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This revelation shocked her and she nearly fell to the floor as the feeling of intense pain ripped through her body. The trauma that she had assumed she was free from, was in the basement of the people who saved her. There was a ringing in her ear as the undeniable truth sunk deep into her mind. It terrorized her until all she could feel or see was the devil himself walking back from the dead. The evil was still there, calling for her and enticing her to become what she feared.

She traveled down the hallway with great speed. The familiarity of the place was not lost on her. The smell attacked her senses and made her sick to her stomach. Everything about it was making her sick. She needed to leave now.

"Xavier," she called gently into the cell she remembered the most.

"Alex!" A young boy flew to the side of the cage.

He was different, not sickly looking. His brown hair was still wet and greasy. He still looked dirty but the yellow eyes were clear and bright. His angled face contained the life that she had begged to be in him. Of course, he looked no better than expected. He had been left to rot while she had been given a false sense of security.

"Why can't I see you?" he asked with a frightened look on his face. "Is this a trick?"

"No, no," she said in a hushed, desperate whisper.

Reaching out a hand, she grasped his hand and almost gasped at how cold it was.

"Xavier, I'm going to get you out of here," she said," We're going to get out of here, but we've got to leave now."

"Alex," he was almost in shock as her hand touched his and a soft glow of tears filled his eyes.

"Are there any guards?" Alex had to be quick and calculated.

If she could get the boy to her room, then they could escape through the window, but her time was running out.


She broke the lock with a simple spell before helping him out of the cell. He tried to hug her but she gently pushed him off. The confusion on his face was mixed with the hurt that he felt.

"Later," she whispered to the young boy.

The image of her being naked had flashed through his mind and she didn't want what was left of his innocence to be marred by her.

He nodded and grasped her hand as she attempted to lead him out of the cells. She could feel his apprehension. She wasn't sure if she could turn him invisible too, so they had to be extra careful. When they opened the door at the top of the stairs, Alex stepped out first and surveyed the scene. To her surprise, the woman was still standing in the middle of the room. This time, she didn't seem to be as frightening as she had before.

Alex gripped Xavier's hand quickly and drug him out. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, the woman called out with hollow urgency in her voice.

"Good luck little witch. Run quickly."

Alex dared to look back and saw that the once slender hands were turning green from power and the pale eyes held a void of darkness. Then she noticed it. The blood that was trickling across the jade floor. There was too much of it to be from just one person. It was a thick, but pure waste from a creature.

Not wasting another second, Alex drug Xavier up the stairs. She was running now, running with all her heart and Xavier was right behind her. Making it back to her room seemed to be a huge success in her mind. She picked up the clothes that she had discarded and threw them on the second the door closed. Turning back might be slightly harder as she focused all her energy to reverse her cells. It took a few tries, with a couple of mishaps.

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