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The four of them made their way into the back of the store where they found high shelves filled with different crates of leaves and plants. A large brown rug decorated the floor and the woman threw it back to reveal a trap door. Brutus opened it and walked down the ladder. The seaside city had aqueducts that were big enough for boats to travel in and out. It was like an underground harbor.

The siblings had their own vessel. It was a swift double-decker boat with an angled front end and two sails. The sides were decorated with blue triangles and foreign words. Almost like spells were painted on the outside of the ship in a constant blessing. The sails were black, folded up against the mast, and tucked away until the awaiting winds could speed them on their way. There was a small hull with various plants and cargo and a captain's quarters. It contained two hammocks separated by a desk that was hammered to the ground, not allowing it to move. The windows in the cabin allowed for some natural light to seep through and give the cabin a homey atmosphere. A red and gold rug plastered the floor.

As the siblings walked onto the boat, it seemed that it jumped to life with their energy. The blue triangles on the side glowed and the words shifted on the side forcing them to turn to smooth planks of wood.

Alex and Xavier were quite impressed with the state of the ship. It was impressive with a bright, redwood color to it. It was sturdy and would suit their purposes quite well.

For the first time, Alex noticed that the faun's hooves were banded with gold bracelets. Each had green sapphires embedded in the gold chains. Stretching up Brutus' calf was a thin white scar, the scar tissue telling of a recent injury. The woman had a tattoo embedded in her fur. The black markings spoke of a story untold.

Alex observed them as they prepared the ship. They moved fluently and strategically. They knew this ship like the back of their hand, and they were skilled sailors. It was strange to see land creatures so obsessed with the water. These two had run from something before they became good at this trade.

"What is your name?" Alex approached the young faun.

"My name is Adara, a tribe of Hemera."

"The spirit of the sun?" 

"Yes," Adara smiled as she spoke. "You know of our ways?"

"Not particularly," Alex shrugged," I spent some time with some of your people back in May."

Adara nodded and turned back to her brother speaking in a low tone to him. Alex moved back to Xavier, who was lounging against the mast.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked in a whisper.

"Of course, I'm sure," he scoffed," We have good information that the king is corrupt and that he is raising an army to conquer the free lands."

She mulled over the words again and the information they had gathered.

"You're very pertinacious," she said.

"I'm not pertinacious," he rolled his eyes.

"You are and you know it," she accused.

"Whatever Lex," he laughed bopping her head with his fist.

She groaned and went to slap him, but she was too slow.

"You've become quite the loser since I've grown up," he said with a victorious grin.

"Well when you were younger, it was a lot easier to pick on you," she grumbled," Now you are freakishly tall and strong."

"Hey, what can I say?" he said leaning back against the mast and closing eyes," I just became better than you in every way."

"Really?" she said with an arched eyebrow," I'm pretty sure I taught you pretty much all you know."
"Will you two quit bickering and help us load the ship?" Brutus grumbled.

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