disclaimer: art is not mine but credits to the artist!! naruto is not mine!! enjoy!
chapter five | naruto pov
the first thing that i notice when i wake up, is that i'm warm, extremely warm. so, on instinct i snuggle closer into the source of warmth, and stay their until i hear a small thud and someone yell 'ow'.
i open my eyes and sit up, looking to my left i see itachi, instantly my pale face fills with a blush, he looks so peaceful sleeping, ugh.
getting out of bed quietly so i don't wake itachi up, i walk downstairs to see sasuke and his arm bleeding, he seemed to be trying to make breakfast, but failing miserably.
i cough at the little boy making him snap his head to my direction and narrowing his eyes "w-who are you?" he asks
i wave my hands in the air as surrender "hey hey calm down i'm not a bad guy, i saved you guys yesterday, my names naruto, your sasuke right?" i question
he nods and i sigh walking over to him, and begin to heal his arm "your ten and you can't make breakfast properly?" i sweatdrop after i'm done healing him
"hn you're my age and bet you can cook any better" he says crossing his arms sassily
i scoff "of course i can, what do you want for breakfast itachis sleeping"
he puts his finger on his chin in thought, tapping them slowly "ah tomato curryyy!" he yells enthusiastically.
"and here i thought you were arrogant, youre just a tomato loverrr" i mock getting the ingredients ready.
he sticks his tongue out at me "you're acting like your my mother" and walks over to me "can i help?" he says getting embarrassed, clearly not used to asking for help.
"yep, my ojichan taught me how to make tomato curry ya know" i inform handing him some tomato's (a/n i have no fucking clue how to make tomato curry so uh... there's gonna be no explanation)
"hm i heard that madara uchiha is your grandfather right? that's pretty awesome" he says chopping up tomatoes
"mm yes he was awesome" i say pulling some of my hair behind my ear before sighing heavily "but old man thirds gonna tell that fucking stupid council then the council is gonna have the audacity to tell the villagers then everyone's ever gonna keep on treating me like the plague, or their gonna treat me like royalty, the plague sounds better not gonna lie though" i state in monotone
"psh kit you're ten quit cussing" the stupid fox in my head states
'and who did i get it from lazy furball'
he giggles "oh i forgot... sorry your highness prince uchiha" he says in sarcasm, bowing to me.
i scoff and say "oh so that's how you wanna play teme?" i say walking slowly closer to him while the waters boiling "fine by me" i state before beginning to tickle him, though my face is still emotionless, a little smile attempts to creep up on my face while he's laughing.
"h-haa d-dobe stoop" he screams out laughing hysterically.
itachi pov
i wake up to screaming, shouting and laughing, i sit up and rub my eyes to see that naruto isn't next to me anymore, so i sit up and walk out of the room with my hair down.
when i enter the kitchen my heart can't help but warm up, naruto is tickling my little brother who's trying to get out his grasp, it's clear to see that narutos trying not to show emotions.
then he lets out a tiny laugh and i swear to god i never thought i'd admit to making these noises but hell, i squealed in my head.
"why hello there children" i say walking into view, naruto finally stops tickling sasuke and looks up to me, quirking an eyebrow.
"can i brush your hair?" he says while sasuke goes to take what seems to be curry of some sorts, i just nod and walk over while he grabs a brush.
he comes back to me and seems to stare at me, face still showing now emotions but i still stare at him, and take in his face, his pale skin and whisker marks, his beautiful but full violet blue eyes, his short eyelashes, he's so pretty.
i get snapped out of thought by his hand touching my face then pulling a strand of hair behind my ear, i'm pretty sure i'm blushing right now but fuck it, he gives me a very very small smile but it's still gorgeous.
"sorry" he mutters before going behind me and starting to brush my hair "soft" he giggles and i swear it was like music.
"hey naruto are you gonna join the anbu or something? i mean i know your ten and all but you're clearly out of the league of the academy" sasuke asks putting a plate of tomato curry in front of me and i hum in agreement to sasuke, while naruto glides the brush down my hair, tying it in a low pony and siting at the table, all of us beginning to eat.
"nah i'm not gonna join anbu, mada ojichan said that while i still have atleast a tiny bit of innocence or whatever left, i should atleast enjoy a bit of childhood, so imma start from scratch here, academy and all" he says "i already told jiji so i'm starting tomorrow"
"danzo is making me go on some assassination missions" i sigh heavily, i was fed up with it to be honest, just because i was a 'prodigy' didn't mean that i head to be used as a weapon i have a life!
"i want to rip danzos head off and it will happen" states the shorty "i want to just..ugh... have his head chopped off" he smiles sadisticaly "torture him"
sasuke chokes on his water "damn" he says wiping his mouth while i just remain emotionless, i mean if he did that i would be great full
"i understand but how comes you wanna do that" i ask, because i had no clue what reason he had, i mean i heard he left when he was four or something.
"ah, he tried to bring me up as a weapon, he'd send some of his anbu to 'beat some sense into the demon' and all" he says showing us the scars on the top of his arm "these are from most of them but then again their everywhere, i can be one hell of a demon now but their lucky than ojichan told me about surrogate uncle hashi" he says
"how could someone do that to you! why wouldn't you fight back naruto?" asks sasuke showing some aggitation
he sighs "i was four and even if i did fight back it would get worse right"
"true" i say "but you still shouldn't have gone through that" i finish and sasuke nods in agreement
"you guys are the first people i've shown emotion to over than white-chan and ojichan" he says slightly smiling
"you call that emotion" mocks sasuke laughing slightly, naruto walks over to him and flicks his forehead, making me smile slightly because i do that to him too.
"come on let's go train we'll be going to the academy together ya know... and your my only friend and i'm highly doubting i'll make more cmon" he says dragging sasuke out of his seat leaving the room before shouting "ita you can join us if you want"
i blush at the nickname 'ita' before putting my plate away and walking outside, heart felling fuzzy and warm.
'what is this feeling'

there for me || itanaru
Romancewhat if minatos father was madara uchiha, making him narutos grandfather? what if naruto unlocked the sharingan infront of villagers? what if madara trains naruto for 4 years away from the village? what if it wasnt itachi who massacred the clan...