disclaimer: i'm gonna write a sasunaru/narusasu story next (my favorite ship ever istg) but idk what about can yall please help? also like i say ever time, narutos not mine nor are the fanarts i use.
chapter six | third pov |
it was 8 in the morning and narutos alarm was already going off, groaning loudly he tries to hide back into covers, but he can still hear to alarm...so..
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" he shouts loudly, startling sasuke whose down stairs, but as we know alarms don't listen..so "OH MY LIVING KAMI" he yells a second time before throwing it across the room, resulting in it breaking.
after around five minutes he finally gets out of bed, noticing itachi isn't there, therefore probably already gone to his anbu duties. sitting up he stares at the now broken alarm "oh" he says before getting up and walking downstairs like a zombie.
when reaching the kitchen he notices two bowls of cereal, and sasuke sitting down munching on his, he looks up "goodmorning moody pants, why'd you scream" says the raven.
"i'm not moody, and i broke the alarm, it wouldn't shut up" says the two hair coloured boy sitting down and eating.
"you do realise alarm clocks don't listen to what you say" sweat drops the other at narutos stupidness 'i thought he was supposed to be smart' he thought.
"well they should" states naruto, finishing his cereal and putting the bowl away "im gonna have a hate club, hehe i can cuss people out" he squeals clapping his hands.
"mm why would you have a hate club? you're definitely gonna have a fangirl club" says sasuke in a matter of fact tone, jumping on the couch being already dressed in a navy blue shirt and white shorts (a/n his normal whatever he wore in naruto)
"the only reason i'd have a small fangirl club is because i'm an uchiha, i'd have a hate club because one, i'm a demon, two, certain people think i'm lying, three, the fucking council told everyone i'm madara uchihas grandson so now to everyone i'm terrifying as fuck" smiles naruto, finding the situation hilarious.
"ah true, you're gonna have some of my fangirls bothering you by the way, they're annoying" face palms sasuke.
"well fuck it" says the other running upstairs to get changed and do all the normal shenanigans people do in the morning.
"kit stop swearing what the fuck" says the lazy furball
'oh good morning, and who the fuck did i get it from?'
"stop saying fuck!"
'you're saying fuck!! why can't i say fuck if you say fuck all the fucking time!'
"lord, the only fucking reason i say fuck is because i'm like 1000 fucking years old, you're ten!! don't say fuck!!"
'i give up'
naruto smiles proudly at himself for the win, walking downstairs now changed. he was wearing a purple fading into white kimono, black underneath and bandages on his legs and on left arm (a/n no clue how to explain kimonos or whatever, picture below, i also think they're very pretty), his hair was in a tiny pony tail with some strands left out, since his hairs not too long.
the time was 8:48 and they were probably going to end up late but naruto couldn't care less, he reaches downstairs to see sasuke sitting on the couch doing nothing "oi duckbutt lets go" he shouts at him, making him get up and walk out of the door quickly.
they arrive, as expected a couple of minutes late, reaching their class they hear shouting, screaming and a bunch of annoying shit in narutos opinion.

there for me || itanaru
Romantikwhat if minatos father was madara uchiha, making him narutos grandfather? what if naruto unlocked the sharingan infront of villagers? what if madara trains naruto for 4 years away from the village? what if it wasnt itachi who massacred the clan...