disclaimer: narutos not mine, that's it 😌
chapter four | naruto pov |
"n-naruto-kun is that you?" i hear old man jiji say, so i turn around from healing itachis arm to him and nod slowly, before turning back around.
"sure is me" i say emotionless, before looking up to the long haired man and asking "are you okay?" as he nods.
"n-naruto my boy where did you disappear off too!" shouts pervy sage which makes me groan from the volume.
"please don't shout and i was with my ojichan" i state after finishing healing itachi, dusting off my clothes, showing the smallest of smiles to him.
"and may i ask who your grandfather is?" asks old man third, to which i look at him.
"madara uchiha" i reply slyly, as if it was obvious, their eyes go wide and itachi finally takes it in for the second time.
"h-how?" he asks in a low voice which sends shivers down my spine, his voice is so hot oops, totally didn't think that.
i end up telling the story about how mada ojichan met my grandmother, and why my tou san didn't have any uchiha genes, also adding in the fact of how the fuck the man was alive. "and then he made me kill him." i deadpan, on the outside i may have acted like i didn't care, or that it was the easiest thing ever, but on the inside i was screaming, my eyes were dull, lifeless, they held nothing unlike when i was with him, i'm lost without him. though i could never hate him for making me kill him, he was tired, he lived long enough, but it hurts.
the two old mans eyes widen and pervy sage is the first one to say something "y-you killed h-him?" he asks in shock.
i get pissed off about this subject so i snap "look, i've been fucking out for 3 days and i just made mr orange bitch go away, and i'm 10 years old so if i may go and get his disgusting blood off me that would be great because he'll be back soon enough and i need to train to shut that little bitch up, and no, i don't want to destroy the village, ojichan had good morals so fuck off" i snap, making the three other people in the room visibly flinch.
"o-okay na-naruto you can st-stay hear, i'll clean the bodies" says hiruzen
i shake me head and tap a circle tattoo on my wrist, making white-chan appear from the ground "can you clean up these bodies for me zestu-chan" i ask, not a single emotion lacing my voice, he nods and begins.
i walk over to the boy my age and pick me up bridal style, turning to itachi i ask, well not really more like demand him "show me his room, i can sleep on the couch or something" and walk out the room.
"no, you can stay in my room i have space" he says quickly following behind me, i slow down so he can go in front of me to show the way.
"if your okay with it" i say before we stop at a door, which i assume is the boys room "what's his name, he seems my age" i question while setting him down in his bed, putting the covers on him.
"his names sasuke, he's 10" he says while giving him a kiss on the forehead, making me trying to force myself not to smile "so your ten? i'm 13, itachi uchiha, hi" he inquires, walking out the room.
i hum following behind him "naruto, just naruto, i didn't really know what second name i'd give myself, if it were all of them it's be naruto uzumaki namikaze uchiha" i chuckle but shut up straight after "so just naruto, and i'm 10" i mock salute
he lets out a low chuckle and stops at another room "this is my room, there's one bed sorry about that but there's no other rooms" and i simply nod walking into the room.
there was a king sized bed in the corner with black blankets and pillows, the room was also very clean. right next to the bed there was a nightstand with a lamp on it .
i grab some extra clothes out of a storage seal on my forearm, a dark grey shirt and black basket ball shorts. i walk into the bathroom and quickly get changed, you can see all the scars on my arms and legs, they're practically full of them so i can't really escape it.
i quickly walk out out the bathroom muttering "i'm going outside for a bit" to itachi, speeding out of the house and ending up on a hill.
the sky is beautiful, stars cover it all over like a canvas, and the moon shines brightly.
i don't even realise it but a single tear slides done my check i hope you're watching over me .
i sit down slowly and begin talking, trying not to show emotions "hey mada ojichan, i um... i-i miss you so f-fucking much. i know that y-you said yo-youll watch ove-over me and youll a-always be with m-me even if it-it's not in per-person but i can't he-help but mi-miss you" i choke on a sob "fuck ojichan i'm sorry for cry-crying" i'm too busy trying to wipe my tears i don't hear someone coming behind me, listening and leaning on the door "i didn't get a ch-chance to say i-i lo-love you too... it-it's hard to live with-without you... ya know? y-you we-were my light ojichan" i start shaking and cry harder "i-i do-don't hat-hate yo-you for mak-making m...e sta...stab that katana int-into your heart... i mean i could never...but.." i start crying the hardest i ever have "i feel...so weak but" somehow i cry louder "I N-N-NEED YO-YOU HE-HERE... I-IM A M-MESS OJ-OJICHAN..." i scream grabbing my hair "i-i'm lost" i whisper.
all of a sudden i feel arms wrap around me making me flinch, i turn to see itachi, he looks down at me, his pale face emotionless but his eyes tell a different story, they say he...cares? the only people that have cared for me in the past six years were zestu and madara... i start shaking and crying harder.
"hey hey... it's okay... showing emotion isn't always weak, your just hurt, that's okay... we all hurt in life.. that's a part of it, it's okay, i'm here now" he whispers quitley, and picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist.
i bury my head into his neck, my crying now tuned down to sniffling "you're warm" i mutter into his neck, i'm pretty sure i'm currently blushing but i i'll never admit that.
he chuckles quietly "thank you" i'm pretty sure we reach our room again and he sets me down on the bed and pulls away, he looks at my arms and legs, his expression softens "how could someone do this" he says before also getting into the bed, pulling the covers on us both.
by this point i've stopped crying "thank you" i say before getting comfortable "your pretty by the way" i muffle into the pillow.
"what did you say?" he asks turning to me
"nothing" i say quickly "goodnight, none of that ever happened or i'm killing you"
he laughs "goodnight mr emotionless"
"says you" was the last thing i said before falling asleep.

there for me || itanaru
Romancewhat if minatos father was madara uchiha, making him narutos grandfather? what if naruto unlocked the sharingan infront of villagers? what if madara trains naruto for 4 years away from the village? what if it wasnt itachi who massacred the clan...