chapter seven

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disclaimer: credits to the artist, naruto is not mine :) naruto and sasuke are now 12 and itachi is 15.

chapter seven | third pov

time skip: two years.

the two years in the academy for naruto had been overly boring, it was the same everyday. sakura banshee would scream at naruto for talking to sasuke, she'd even push naruto away when he was with itachi, he found it pathetic. people would mock him for being a demon of sorts, and for being automatic deadlast, in all honesty he didn't care.

naruto and itachi had grown closer, they also developed even more feelings for eachother after getting to know eachother more. they would do random things like naruto jumping on itachis back, they still sleep together, they help eachother, all in all it had grown into a very strong bond.

sasuke and naruto are best friends, the raven secretly hopes that they get to together because he thinks that they're made for eachother. he's also been training with naruto, and now he's a lot stronger than before. naruto has also been training like mad, he wanted to make madara proud.

kurama has been trying to get naruto to make a move but he's too scared, so he's stuck to mocking naruto as much as he can.

it was graduation day right now and narutos alarm was going off, itachi groaned next to him and sat up, turning to the mostly black haired boy, smiling slightly.

"naru wake up" he says shaking the now muttering cusses boy, sweat dropping at how much of a non morning person he is.

"i don't want tooooooo" naruto screamed into his pillow, kicking his legs about.

"i'll get you ramen" bribes itachi, chuckling when naruto shoots up out of bed, running to get changed "always so predictable" he mutters smiling.

naruto runs out of the bathroom now changed, wearing black anbu pants with bandages on his right thigh, a fishnet shirt with a navy blue sweater over it, his sword strapped to his back.

itachi eyes naruto "you're not wearing a kimono for once" says the long haired boy curiously, since the other hardly ever doesn't wear kimonos.

"i forgot to wash all of them" deadpans naruto, turning to fake sob straight after making itachi laugh whole heartedly.

naruto stops and looks at itachi, suprised that he laughed again, he hardly ever laughed and to the red tipped boy it was music.

he snaps out of his thoughts when sasuke shouts from downstairs "NARUTO HURRY UP GOD"

said boy runs up to itachi and hugs him, surprising the older boy slightly "please be safe" he mutters before letting go and running downstairs, leaving the other a blushing mess, naruto hardly ever showed huge affection so this was a big deal.

not being bothered to walk naruto teleports him and sasuke to the academy, for once not being late, and walking into the classroom where they're almost the first ones there.

iruka noticed them and smiles fondly at naruto "hello naruto-kun you're early for once" he laughs a little.

throughout the two years he's grown very fond of the younger boy, he acts like a sort of older brother to naruto. he realised that naruto was not a demon, and just a kid who was broken.

now narutos eyes were still dull, but some people would notice that when he's talking to sasuke or itachi, they shine a bit brighter, and that made iruka happy.

"i thought i was late because sasuke was screaming at me telling me to hurry up" says the short black haired boy rubbing the nape of his neck, his hair falling slightly into his eyes.

"hey!! was not" retorts sasuke pouting like a child.

"yeah yeah let's go sit down before the banshee duo gets here" states naruto waving his hands in the air, iruka chuckling at the nickname for sakura and ino.

after around 10 minutes said duo hurts through the door, making naruto roll his eyes and sasuke pray that they'll leave him alone for the day, and that they're not in the same team.

"HA TAKE THAT INO PIG I GOT HERE FIRST" screams sakura arriving at sasuke and narutos desk.

"NO I DID FORHEAD" squeaks ino, now turning to naruto who was casually sitting with his head on the desk, trying to ignore the two fangirls.

"NARUTO BAKA GET OUT OF THE SEAT!" yells sakura stomping on the floor, naruto simply stares at her before turning back, deciding to ignore her.

the pink banshee becomes red from being mad "YOU IDIOT DONT IGNORE ME, MOVE I WANT TO SIT NEXT TO SASUKE KUN" she screams, going to throw a punch, but it got caught by naruto.

"i was here first, move you incompetent fangirls" he says coldly.

they hurry away, scared of naruto, while sasuke snickers at the two girls.

"alright settle down class" says iruka, but no one listens so he uses his big head jutsu "SETTLE DOWN NOW" he shouts and immediately everyone shuts up.

i find it amusing how handy that jutsu is thought naruto.

"alright so as you all know today is the genin exam" claps iruka, then begins to give a whole ass lecture about how this is the entrance to the shinobi world blah blah blah.

after all the tests were done , naruto came out with his headband hanging on his neck.

yawning he walked over to sasuke "you got rookie of the year right?" he questions

"yea but if you were here the whole time i wouldn't" he laughs "deadlast"

naruto scoffs and smacks the raven on the head "oh shush" he mocks and takes a seat next to sasuke, waiting for teams to be revealed.

iruka begins to call out teams, naruto blocks out everything until he hears his own name "team seven, naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha and sakura haruno, your senseis will be here shortly" he finishes.

sakura squeals and proceeds to shout "HA INO PIG TAKE THAT TRUE LOVE WINS"

meanwhile the black haired boy nudges sasuke "why do we have to senseis" he questions, because no other teams have two senseis, so it was a bit unusual.

sasuke simply shrugs "no clue" he answers the boy next to him, he wondered who their senseis would be. while doing that sakura somehow made her way next to sasuke, asking him out on a date which as usual, he reply's with a hard no.

after being the only team left in the classroom, and waiting for two hours, their senseis appear but narutos asleep.

the two of them cough gaining sasuke and sakuras attention. the ravens eyes widen while sakura squeals in delight. "itachi? what happened with anbu?" he asks his older brother curiously, not taking a care for the other silver haired sensei.

"ah i got forced to become a sensei for a while, no more assassination missions tho so im kinda glad" he says scratching his fore arm "wake naru up"

sasuke shivered at the thought of waking the younger boy up, he hates being woken up and this was gonna be a problem.

"ITACHI KUN HOW LOVELY" sakura screams like the dumb bitch she is.

all of a sudden naruto stands up and slams his hands on the desk, not noticing itachi yet, and begins to calmly threaten the pink banshee "please do me a favour and shut the living fuck up before i fucking rip your limbs out and force you to eat them yourself" he says coldly making sakura quickly shut up.

turning to the direction of the door, naruto finally notices his favorite person "ita-kun what the fuck" he says tilting his head, making itachi sweatdrop then explain, while sakura was jealous as always.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL OUR SENSEI ITA KUN NARUTO BAKA" she screams stomping her foot on the ground.

"you called him fucking itachi kun shut up" he says bitterly.

the other silver haired joinn coughs, making everyone turn to him "meet us on the roof, you have five minutes" he says before him and itachi disappear.

chapter end
j hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! and i'm sorry if i bash sakura too much i just really really hate her

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