《Chapter Four》

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It was late at night, Jake was asleep in his bed and I was laying in mine, wide awake. The rest of the day had gone by slowly, no murders were reported and luckily no one was ejected. I was lucky no one was accusing Jake or I yet, I don't know what I would do in that scenario. However, I'm not sure I want to think about it right now. I need sleep.

I opened my eyes and I was in a dark place. It looked like Electrical, but the power was completely out and the wires were cut. I glanced around, I seemed to be alone. I walked over to the wires and glanced at them, they were shredded beyond repair. Who would do this?.. I silently thought to myself. Suddenly a pipe was locked around the front of my throat. I tried to turn around and see who it was as they pushed down harder on my throat. I couldn't breathe. I grasped at the pipe with my hands in an attempt to pull it off my throat. My vision became blurry from the lack of oxygen. I can't breathe.
I can't


I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping as if my breath had been taken away for a couple of seconds. Jake woke up, alarmed. I placed my hands around my neck and felt nothing there against my throat. I gave a relieved sigh before Jake cleared his throat.
"You alright Albert?.."
I silently nodded my head.
"Just, a bad dream. Nothing serious."
Jake seemed slightly concerned and got up, coming over and sitting on the edge of my bed. "Do you want to talk about it? You seemed quite startled."
I glanced away before nodding. "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk about it."

After explaining my dream to him, he sat there in silent thought for a good minute or two.
"It sounds to me like you're afraid of what's been going on, or that you might be next." He stated. I looked down at my blanket. "Yeah, maybe.. I'm not too sure about myself, or anything, anymore." He scooted a bit closer to me. "What do you mean?"
I sighed and fiddled with the blanket in my hands. "It's scary to see everyone accusing one another, and it was even scarier to see a possible innocent person ejected.. We don't know if we're gonna die tomorrow. What if the murderer is still alive? What if he goes after you or me?" My eyes teared up slightly, Jake kept listening intently. "I'm just... terrified. I'm terrified for my life, for yours, for anyone else out there. I didn't think taking this stupid job would result in such scary consequences." I closed my eyes tightly as we both sat in silence for a minute. I felt Jake lay his hands on mine before he pulled me into a hug. "It's okay to be afraid Albert. I get this is difficult, it's taking a toll on all of us." He rubbed my back soothingly as I feebly grasped at his shirt. He was warm and gave off such a comforting vibe, I didn't want to let go.
"I-I know it sounds childish, but can... Can you sleep with me?.. Just for tonight, I promise I won't ask ever again." I quietly said. He gave me a soft smile and nodded. "Of course, if it helps you feel safer then I'm okay with it." We both crawled under the covers and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt either of us. I closed my eyes and snuggled into him, enjoying the comforting warmth of his body.

I had no trouble falling asleep this time.
I woke up the next morning feeling well rested. I looked up to see Jake was still asleep, so I laid there and nuzzled my face into his chest. He eventually woke up and yawned. He noticed I was still there and warmly smiled, running his hand through my brown locks soothingly. I sighed in delight and closed my eyes, it felt nice.
"Hey, we need to get up a bit earlier than usual today. Aaron wanted to speak to everyone in the main hall."
I opened my eyes and looked up. "Ah, alright.." He removed himself from me and went to go take a quick shower. I got dressed into my suit and combed my hair. Jake got dressed into his suit after his shower and we both left the room, walking down together to the main hall as we chatted up a storm. I was feeling a lot more comfortable around him, he was sweet and trusting.

When we arrived at the Main hall, a couple people were already there. Some had not arrived before us so everyone was pretty much waiting on them. We all sat and chatted for a good few minutes as the others arrived pair by pair. Eventually the last pair came in and we were all ready to start. Aaron stood up and walked to the front of the table, standing in front of it.
"So Jonathan and I were talking last night, and we came up with an idea. We had found some old radios wired up for two people each, which means you will be able to communicate with your partner with these. If your partner sadly suffered death, bless their souls, then we will assign you with someone new. If you disagree with this idea, please speak up now."
No one said anything to object the idea luckily. I felt it was a good idea, it'll help me keep in touch with Jake if anything happens.
"Alright, so no one disagrees. Good! Jonathan, please start passing out the pairs. If you no longer have an assigned partner please come to me."
A few people went up to Aaron and Jonathan passed out pairs of radios to each small pairing. Jakes and I received ours and put them in our pockets. "At least now we'll know where each other is." Jake chuckled. I smiled and nodded. "Yup yup, I'm just hoping they'll help." After everyone was given an assigned radio pair, we all returned to our tasks for the day. Well, kind of. Jake and I messed around with the radios and kept talking to each other using cheesy code words. At nighttime I asked if we could cuddle again, he was fine with it. I just felt safe around him. I felt as if nothing could hurt either of us.

I could get used to this feeling.

Wow so this chapter actually had a bit of Jalbert in it :)
They aren't in a relationship yet obviously •Hence the word yet ;)•
I like soft stuff at times okay
Happy early Halloween and see you next chapter!

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