《Chapter Twelve》

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What the hell have I done?

I was currently rushing my way down to the medical bay, clutching Albert tightly in my arms. He had passed out from blood loss, but luckily was still breathing.
However, I don't know how long he would continue to breathe for.
When I reached the entrance to medical, I forced the door open and turned on the lights. I rushed over to a bed and laid him down on it gently, going over to the cabinets to find the bandages, antiseptic, and gauze. I knocked a couple things over trying to find them, but I could care less. All I could focus on was making sure my angel didn't die. I finally found all three items and walked back over to Albert, setting them down. I examined his stab wound once more. The knife had pierced through his suit and shirt, leaving a rip in both articles of clothing. In order to reach his wound properly, I need to remove his suit and shirt first. I tried my best to be gentle but quick when removing his suit, then with the shirt. I tossed both items aside carelessly and grabbed the gauze and antiseptic. I'm glad he's passed out so he won't be able to feel this.
I poured antiseptic onto his wound and cleaned it with the gauze. The wound was deep, it may be possible he will need stitches, but I can't worry about that right away, it'll take too long. I had to lift him up in order to wrap his stomach and cover up his wound, which was no problem since he was pretty light. Once I finished, I laid him back down and stepped back. He was still breathing, thank god. I ran my fingers through his hair and let out a shaky sigh. "You fucking idiot. Why did I do this.." I planted a kiss on his forehead and sat down on a nearby chair, watching him intently as I allowed myself to get lost in my thoughts.
I hurt him.




How could I do such a thing?
Even though he tried to harm me, I am ashamed I harmed him in return. The person I wanted to protect so badly is hurt because of me. What type of monster am I?

I'll never hurt him again.


I won't risk it. He deserves love. Pure love. He deserves to be held, be given kisses, and late night cuddles. Nothing less.

I leaned my head against the chair as I listened to Albert's steady breathing. It would take him a while to wake up, possibly five hours at most. I gripped his hand and sighed. I don't cry much, but I could feel tears forming. I love him so much. Why did I do this.

"I'm sorry, Albert." I whispered.
《Switching back to Albert's POV now, wow he's alive》

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly, instantly getting hit with a wave of pain in my stomach. I let out a whimper and looked down, gently touching the bandages.

I'm not dead?

I looked around, I'm in the medical bay. How did I get here?
No one else was in the room with me, but I did notice a chair close to the bed I was laying on. It must be where Jake was sitting. Who else could it be?

I heard the door to the medical room creak open, causing me to jump. I watched Jake walk into the room with some food. He hasn't seemed to notice I was up yet, at least until he turned around. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds before he rushed over, setting the plate down and gently placing his hands on my cheeks. "Thank god, you're awake! How are you feeling? Are you okay??.." I gritted my teeth and ignored the urge to shove him back. "I-I'm fine..." I looked away from his gaze, gripping the sheets under me. "I brought you something to eat. Is your wound alright?" I nodded and glanced over at the food he brought me. It was a simple meal, just some potatoes, boiled vegetables, and steak. "Oh right- you should eat first before anything, really." He handed me the plate and sat down, watching me intently as I ate the food slowly. Once I finished, he took the plate from me and set it aside. I laid back down and sighed. "Albert.." I gazed over at him. "I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'm supposed to be loving you, not harming you." He stood up and sat down beside me on the bed, moving strands of my hair out of my face and caressing my cheek. "I love you."

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