《Chapter Eight》

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Jake was DEFINITELY not lying when he said I would possibly have trouble walking.
The next morning was difficult for me. Whenever I sat down or moved too fast, my abdomen rewarded me with a jolt of pain. Jake did his best to help me, and I was grateful. It was just..
Awkward now.
I still don't know how to exactly feel about what he did to me yesterday. It felt wonderful since I've never been showed such strong affection, but at the same time it felt painful and wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but there is just something about him that doesn't feel right. Ever since he told me those words last night, it's left me confused and frankly, a little scared.

"I love you. I'll never let anyone hurt you again. You're all mine."
What does he mean by "again", and I'm all his?
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jake arrived with two plates of food, setting one down in front of me. "Here, you need to eat." He sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist, planting a kiss on my forehead before going to eat his food. I felt my cheeks warm up before I began to eat the food off of my plate slowly. I glanced around the room to see who was all here today. Aaron was nowhere to be seen, possibly because he was still mourning the death of his brother. It makes no sense why he would hang himself, he seemed like a cheery guy. But then again, I couldn't see his feelings or what was tormenting his mind. I guess we all have a fake mask we wear sometimes in order to prevent anyone becoming suspicious of our planned actions.

Once Jake and I finished, I headed back to our room, him choosing to accompany me. He wasn't staying, as he was going to go do his tasks for the day.
"Just radio me if anything happens, okay?" I nodded my head and he kissed me passionately, leaning against my ear and whispering "I love you." I smiled nervously and watched him walk away before turning and going into our room. I laid down on my bed and sighed, wondering what to do. I could doodle or read a book, but I don't feel as if I have the energy to do so. I decided on taking a nap, keeping my bag and radio close in case I hear anything suspicious.
I woke up to some strange noises happening outside the door to our room. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around to see if Jake was back yet, but he was nowhere to be seen. I stood up and grabbed my bag and radio, shoving it into my pocket. I used my key card to open the door and peeked outside. No one was there, but I almost instantly noticed a fresh blood trail on the ground, the blood glistening in the light. My breath hitched.
Oh god, not again.
I gulped, wondering if I should follow the trail in hopes of finding the impostor, or go find Jake.
I stepped forward, deciding to follow the blood trail. I felt like an idiot. This is how you die in those cheesy movies you'd see on Netflix, but I couldn't turn myself around. I pulled out my radio in case I had to call Jake, my heart pounding nervously. I peeked around the corner of the hall, only to see the impostor. He had blood splattered on him, his helmet on and no name tag present. He was dragging the poor victim by their legs, shoving them into an unused closet. I made sure I was a good distance away so I had a chance to run if they chased after me. This was risky, but if I could lead them to an area full of people, maybe they could be stopped. Everyone was currently in the main hall, so I'd have to run like hell. Luckily Jake is possibly near the main hall, so he can alert everyone.
I can't believe I'm risking my life for this, but it's either mine or 10 more taken.
The impostor had noticed me and we stared at each other for a few seconds.
I raised the radio up to my mouth, speaking into it.
"Jake, I found the-"

My heart stopped when I heard my voice come from my bag.

The impostors radio.

I dropped my radio, backing away.
Jake is the impostor.
Jake took off his helmet.
Tears fell from my eyes as I turned and ran. I heard Jake yell my name but that only made me want to run faster.
I can't believe this.
He's been the one murdering people.
Innocent people.
I heard him catching up to me, and I was running out of breath. I ended up turning a corner too fast and tripped, crying out in pain due to my abdomen. I shakily attempted to get up before I felt Jake flip me over, pinning me to the ground. I began to sob and scream, struggling to get out of his grip. "No no no please let me go!! Don't hurt me please!" I pleaded.

He's going to kill me.

He covered my mouth with his hand to shut me up, only making me struggle harder. This caused him to tighten his grip on my wrists.
"Calm down baby, I need you to be quiet. Please don't make me hurt you my little angel." I stopped struggling after he said that. My chest was heaving quickly due to my panicked breaths. I looked up into his eyes as he stared back into my teary ones. It was silent for a few seconds up until he loosened his grip on my wrists. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth as I bit my lip, attempting to lower the volume of my choked sobs. He ran his fingers through my hair, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Good boy, good boy. Now listen to me. You aren't telling anyone about this. Got it? Because if you do, I'm going to have to harm you, and I don't want to have to do that." I nodded my head, tears streaming down my cheeks.
He lifted me up and carried me back in the direction of our room. I resisted the urge to struggle out of his grip, to run away from him and get help. He opened the door and laid me down on his bed, taking my key card away from me and going into the bathroom to wash the blood off of him. He didn't leave his own key card, which means I have no way to escape, so I did what anyone else would do.
I cried.
I wish I had never came here. I gripped onto my pillow and buried my face into it. I was terrified. He obviously won't let me go since I know now, so what else will he do to me? I feel like an idiot for trusting him, for allowing myself to feel comforted and safe around him. He tricked me into thinking he really was a good guy.
I assumed Jake had finished washing up and changing, as I heard him exit the bathroom and set his stuff aside. He laid down next to me and pulled me up against his chest. Even though he was the reason I was crying, I couldn't help but grasp his shirt and sob into his chest. He rubbed my back soothingly and planted kisses on my head.
"I still love you. So much. Even though you wanted to betray me and give away my secret to the others, I love you. You're mine."

It's sad to say, but I wish I wasn't his right now.

Hey! Sorry for the late chapter, I had family over for a couple of days. Anyways wow new chapter yay enjoy :)

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