《Chapter Eleven》

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I woke up early the next morning, before Jake. I rubbed my eyes and glanced around the room before allowing my eyes to gaze over at Jake. It's weird to say, but he is pretty when he's asleep. He looks so calm and.. normal. Almost as if he couldn't hurt anyone, but I knew that wasn't possible by now. He was anything but innocent.

I got up and got dressed quietly as to not wake him. I grabbed my keycard and left the room, shutting the door behind me gently. I made my way down the hallways, heading to Electrical. When I got there, Aaron was nowhere to be found, so I sat around waiting for about an hour. I finally heard a beep come from the door and saw Aaron creep in.
"Oh thank god, you're okay." We shared a hug, going to sit on some spare crates and discuss our next plan of action.
"So, what exactly can we do to stop him?" Aaron said. I sat in thought for a second. "Well, maybe we could catch him off guard and keep him locked up until the shuttle returns."
"The shuttle won't be back for two weeks though, Albert. Can he really be held that long? This is a killer we're talking about." I gulped and nodded. He is right. "Maybe... we could kill him." I stared at Aaron as if he just said something insane. "Kill him?? But.. that won't make us any better than him will it??" Aaron glared at me. "Don't tell me you're actually serious. He killed over 12 people Albert. It's one life on our hands. He deserves his karma, and soon. Or we both perish along with his other victims." I looked at the ground. "Y-you're right.." "Of fucking course I'm right! So that's our final decision? We kill him?" I let out a shaky sigh and nodded. "Alright, how do you suppose we do it then?" I glanced back up at him. "I could bring him somewhere small.. so it's easier to trap him. You could find something to use as a weapon, and we get the deed done.." Aaron smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a good idea. But what if he doesn't want to go with you? And where would you take him?" "I can make up a reasonable excuse. And maybe the storage area would be good enough."
"Alright then, does tonight sound good?"
"Yeah. It does." Aaron stood up and stretched. "I'll see you both there then. Good luck, Albert. Let's hope we can end this now." I watched as he exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I put my head in my hands and sighed.
We're actually doing this. We're going to kill him.
It's hard to wrap my head around that. Is this really the right way to end this all? I shook it off and decided to leave, no point in staying here.
{Later in the evening}

I spent practically the whole day mentally preparing myself for what we were gonna do. I was reading a book, waiting for Jake to finish showering. I heard the water turn off signalling he was done. I closed my book and sat up, taking a deep breath.

I have my excuse ready. It's time.
About a minute and a half later he came out, dressed plainly. I watched as he walked over to his suit before clearing my throat, causing him to turn his attention to me.
"Yes, sweetheart? Is something wrong?" I shook my head. "No, nothing is wrong. I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go find some old stuff in the storage room, maybe repair some things or such." He smiled. "You want to spend time with me? Well, I'm honored. So sure, we can do that. I'll get my suit on and we can leave here in a minute." I smiled and nodded, standing up and getting ready. He got dressed into his suit and strolled over to me, grasping my hand gently and leading me out the door. We made our way down to the cafeteria and near the storage room. "Let's see what cool stuff we'll discover today, aye?" I nodded and opened the door slowly, stepping in. I noticed Aaron out of the corner of my eye, holding a kitchen knife. Jake walked through the door and smiled at me. "So, where should we start?" I went to speak before the door closed behind him, causing him to turn around and be tackled almost instantly. I stood back, watching both of them struggle before Aaron held the knife above Jake's chest. "This is for everyone you killed, you monster!" Jake held Aarons arms back to prevent from lowering the knife into his chest. While they both struggled, I looked around quickly for something to hit Jake with before hearing something clatter to the ground. Jake had knocked the knife out of Aaron's hands and both of them were back up once again. Jake proceeded to slam Aaron against the wall and choke him, Aaron clawing at his arms. I began to panic, breathing heavily.
This is failing, our plan is failing. I noticed the glimmer of the knife out of the corner of myeye.

I was really hoping I wouldn't have to be the one to do it, but I have no choice.
I picked up the knife, trembling. Jake had his attention focused on Aaron, now is my chance. I walked over to him quickly and raised the knife above him. Sadly Jake noticed me out of the corner of his eye and let go of Aaron, moving back quickly enough for me to only cut his arm, leaving a bloody gash. He glared at me before kneeing me in the gut, causing me to drop the knife and hold my stomach in pain. He turned his attention back to Aaron, smiling wildly. "So this was both of your fucking plan huh? So sad to see it failed. I can't believe this." I watched helplessly as he plunged the knife into Aaron's throat. Aaron gagged and Jake pulled the knife back out, blood splattering all over his face and torso as he grinned. Aaron collapsed to the ground as blood poured out of his wound.
We failed.
Jake turned to look at me, walking over and clenching the knife.

Oh god.

I'm next.

I backed away from him until I was up against the wall, looking for anything close enough to defend myself with. As he got closer I began to sob, my chest heaving.
I'm going to die.
"I thought I trusted you Albert, but you broke it. You need to be punished." He pressed the knife against my stomach, giving me a sad look. "I don't want to hurt you Albert. Please give me a reason to not hurt you." I only cried harder in response. I was too terrified to speak at all. He sighed and pressed a kiss against my forehead.
"I love you. I'm sorry."
My crying instantly ceased the second I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I gave Jake a terrified look, his sad expression not fading the slightest bit. I gripped onto his arms weakly as I slowly slid down the wall until I hit the ground, leaning my head back against it. Blood poured out of my wound, dripping onto the floor.

I'm dying.

I heard the knife clatter to the ground and Jake crouched down in front of me, placing his hands on my cheeks as tears pricked his eyes.
"No, no, what have I done????" His voice sounded distant, almost faded, but you could still clearly hear the panic laced in his voice.
I felt myself being lifted as my vision grew darker, leaning my head against his warm chest. I heard him sobbing, but I didn't care anymore. He can't hurt me now. He can't keep me locked up. I'm no longer bound to him.

I'm finally free.

I have nothing to say. I need to sleep
I'll overlook this in the morning and see if I made any mistakes, gn for now

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