《Chapter Six》

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The evening was pretty quiet for everyone. Most of the crewmates hung around the main hall to chill.
I, on the other hand, chose to get some tasks over with so I wouldn't have to do them tomorrow. I was alone this time as I walked down the hallways. Jake said he wasn't feeling very well, so I told him he could try and rest for a while. I went around the Space Station completing my tasks one by one.
Finally, I was on my last task, which was over in the main hall. After I completed that last task, I spent some time talking to the others.
Then the power suddenly shut off. Everyone stopped talking for a moment before an older crewmate spoke up. "Someone must've forgot to repair those wires in Electrical, don't worry guys. Anyone wanna go fix that?" I raised my hand.
"I can do it, I have to check on Jake anyways."
Everyone went back to talking as I made my way down the hallway to Electrical. I pressed the button to open the doors, glancing around the room. It was too dark to see where I was going, so I turned on my flashlight. I walked over to where the panel was and noticed it was open.

Did someone forget to close it back up?..

That's when I noticed the wires.
They were cut.

Someone did this on purpose.

I suddenly felt rather unsafe being in the room. I reached for my radio to call for Jake and let him know to tell the others, but wasn't able to press the button to talk as it was suddenly knocked out of my hands and a pipe was locked around the front of my throat. I began to panic, someone is trying to KILL me. I grasped feebly at the pipe, attempting to pull it off my throat. However, the person behind me was much stronger than me.
I can't breathe.

I can't.

This is how I die.

My vision became blurry as I hopelessly reached for the radio.
"J-Jake.." I rasped out as my vision grew darker. Suddenly the person behind me let me go and I fell forward, coughing and gasping a few times. I heard the door behind me open and I got up as quickly as possible.
I can't let them get away.

I ran after them, they had their helmet on so I couldn't see their face, but maybe I could find something to point out from the suit. The person was fast, but I was able to catch up to them and tackle them, not noticing I ripped their radio off of their suit. The person kicked me in my chest backwards causing me to yelp in pain. They stumbled a bit and ran off before I was able to get up. I held my chest in pain, it really hurt. But even worse,
I failed to catch them.

I groaned in frustration.

That was when I noticed the radio. I picked it up and searched for a name label, there was none. I sighed. This wouldn't help me much with leading to them, as rarely anyone carries around their radios anymore. I stumbled back to Electrical and managed to get the power on, stuffing the imposter's radio in my bag and heading down to the main hall to call an emergency meeting.

I hope I'm the only one who got hurt.
After I explained everything to the others, they decided to be cautious once again and watch their backs. The meeting ended and I decided to head back to Jake and I's room. Jake was on his bed, reading a book. He looked up at me.
"I heard an Emergency Meeting was called, but I didn't feel like attending. What happened?"

I sat down beside him. "Someone tried to kill me. I managed to tackle them, but I didn't get a good enough look to tell who it was.." I sighed. Jake closed his book and set it aside. "It's not your fault you couldn't catch them, don't worry." I glared at him. "Someone else is possibly going to die because I wasn't able to get a good enough look at them and stop them, why would I not worry?!?" I yelled. He glanced away and sighed, but didn't say anything else after that.
"I-I'm sorry Jake, I'm just... I wish I could've caught them. It's difficult to not feel like it's my fault. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.. I don't want you to get hurt. I just.. " I didn't know what else to say. I looked over at him but he remained silent. "I'm sorry if me yelling upset you. I understand if you don't want to talk to me." I went to stand up until he gripped my arm. I turned my head to face him and we locked eyes. I couldn't explain the tension I felt between us, but it definitely didn't feel like it was arising frustration or anger.
He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but no words came out. Instead, he let go of my arm and shook his head.
He mumbled something under his breath before speaking up.
"I'm sorry too. I'm just.. glad you're okay at least." I nodded.
"Well, it's getting late anyways. We should probably get ready for bed.." I said in a shaky voice. I don't understand why that moment suddenly made me nervous, so I tried to brush it off.

Besides that, I'm just hoping we can find out who it was.

Well this chapter kinda sucked lmao
I'm trying okay ;-;
Also, thank you so for rank #2 in Jalbert!! That makes me beyond happy <3 I really wasn't sure people would enjoy this story haha

Anyways see yall in the next chapter!!

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