Obi-Wan's POV

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The meeting finished and the members began leaving.

"Master Plo Koon, Master Yoda may I speak with you?" I ask.

"Of course," Master Plo said, sitting back down. The room was now empty except for the three of us.

I began explaining Ahsoka's visions to them and how she broke down crying.

"Trying to create fear in her the Chancellor is," Master Yoda said.

"She also mentioned she overheard a call today and he is going to try to get her to turn to the Darkside."

"It's dangerous to have to have her spy on the Chancellor," Master Plo said.

"I agree but we must wait till Master Mundi returns with evidence," I said.

"Watch her we must," Master Yoda said.

"Perhaps Skywalker can get through to her better than us. Can you try talking to him?" Master Plo asked.

"Yes, I can,"

"Then let's do that," Master Plo said.

I walked to find Anakin working on his ship again.

"Hey Master," Anakin said.

"Broke your ship again?" I ask.

"No just making some minor improvements," he replied, "what's troubling you Master?"

"I'm just thinking about earlier," I answered.

"Why hasn't she said anything about these visions?" Anakin asked.

"I'm not sure. She has definitely been quieter and more shut off since she returned," I commented.

"I mean if you were almost killed because the council didn't believe you on something you wouldn't trust them either," Anakin answered.

"Good point," I said in defeat.

That makes perfect sense.

"C'mon Master we have a mission to do," Anakin said.

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