Pinky Deal

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Tina's POV

I woke up the next again morning and felt someone's arm around me. When I looked up I saw George, I smiled seeing him still asleep, with his mouth slightly open. But everything from the night before came flooding back to me. I told him everything, and he didn't care. He still liked me for me, not for my horrible past.

I quietly got up and went through to the kitchen. I sighed picking up the book that Fred made me look into. Merlin surly I wasn't in love with George, I've only knew him for 6 months. Even then he would never love me back. I re-read the pages trying to find something else, it could've been. But there was nothing. "Morning" I looked up to see George in the doorway. I smiled, looking down at the book and closed it. "Hey I'm sorry I ruined you're Christmas" I sighed knowing that I most certainly ruined his Christmas. "You didn't ruin it, plus I would've done anything to get away from those muggle fireworks. Dads probably blew everything up" he joked. I laughed slightly, but I didn't feel much better. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm better" I lied. He didn't need to know, he looked into my eyes for a second, but dismissed the idea of me lying.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes not too sure of what to say to each other. "I should go get ready." I smiled. I walked towards my room but tripped over the couch, I felt a hand grab me and pull me back up. "Sorry" I told him. He just smiled. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds. His eyes kept moving to my lips, and I swear we were moving closer to each other. There was a bang at the door and we both jumped up and pushed away from each other. "Yeah" George shouted. "It's busy down here can you come help" Ron shouted from behind the door. "I'll be down in a second" George shouted. Boxing Day was the greatest time to have the shop open. It was so busy from children wanting to spend Christmas money. Me and George looked at each other before awkwardly going into our rooms to get ready.

I walked down to the store to see Ron, he gave me a smile before serving customers again, I got all the stock out and started to stick it out on the shelves. It took me ages, people kept taking stuff, and I had to restock. On top of that it was really awkward between me and George, I only spoke to him if I had too. Ron kept giving us weird looks, considering usually we are talking to each other for the whole day in the shop. "I'm going to the office" George announced heading up stairs as it got quieter. "What's up with youse two?" Ron asked. "Nothing" I snapped to defense. Now I made it obvious something was wrong. "I'm going to uh put the rest of the stock out" I headed back to the stock room and sat down on a stool. Would we have kissed if Ron hadn't knocked the door? No don't be silly I probably had food on me or something. Why was he avoiding me?

I was pulled out my thoughts with a chap on the Stock room door. "Harry's here" Ron announced. I opened the door and followed Ron through to were Harry and Hermione stood. "Hey guys" I smiled. Hermione pulled me into a hug. "We were worried sick about you" she told me. I looked at her apologetically. "Yeah I'm sorry I ran off" I smiled at Harry. "It's not you're fault you know" Harry told me. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "We already knew that you were with Voldemort" my heart stopped. He thought I was on his side. He knew, the all knew. My heat rate picked up and I stood back. "No Tina! Malfoy told us everything after the war, we know that you didn't have a choice" Harry tried to grab my arm but I pulled away. "I could've stopped half the deaths Harry! I could've stopped people from dying, like Fred" I looked at Ron, but he just looked down sadly. "He used the unforgivable curses on you Tina" Harry told me I nodded. "I should've fought it" I grabbed my bag and left the shop not wanting to talk about it anymore. There was someone I had to talk to right now, and sadly for him. He was alive.

I apperated in front of Malfoy Manor. Tears started to form in my eyes. This is where it all happened. I slowly walked up to the door and chapped it loudly. Should I just run away? Do I really need to see him right now? "Tina?" I looked up to see Draco standing in the doorway and he looked confused. "You told Harry. Why?" I asked him. "You're a lot more confident than you were at school" he joked letting me in. "Well shit happens" I told him angrily standing in the house. I looked around. Nothing had changed, it looked the exact same from when I was here, from when He was here. "Look I'm sorry I told him, but you can't keep thinking it's you're fault Tina" he said to me sitting on the couch. I sat down across from him. "No but why did you tell Harry?" I asked him. I had gathered from what everyone else that it 'wasn't my fault' and I think he knew that wasn't what I was asking. "I don't know, it was my fault. I gave you to Voldemort. I felt guilty" he sighed trying not to make eye contact. "What so you thought 'Hey let's tell my only friends that I contributed on Voldemort's side in the war!'" I hissed I was so angry, what right did he have? "I contributed too Tina! And for the record, I gave up a lot of stuff too for him!" He shouted back. I laughed out loud. "Really like what?"
I looked at him confused. "Me?" I asked. "Tina I liked you, it wasn't my intention at the start. But you were the only person who didn't see me as the 'horrible Slytherin'. I know I said those things about hating you, but I didn't. I just needed you to hate me so I didn't have to live with the guilt. But I'm still living with it" he told me. I looked up at him. So it wasn't a lie. He was my friend? He was in the same situation as me. Possibly even with unforgivable curses threatening him. He didn't want to do something but he had no choice. "I've been such a dick" I told myself putting my head in my hands. "I'm so sorry" I started to cry and he jumped to the couch I was on and put his arm around my shoulder. "You deserve to be happy Tina" he smiled as he rubbed circles around my back. "I do" I told him looking up to him smiling. "Draco. Thankyou" I smiled at him. I pulled him into a hug and we sat there for a couple of minutes. "I'm still not happy you were my first kiss" I joked trying to defuse any tension. He laughed at me. "I'm sorry about that, I did like you" he smiled looking at me. "But we went our separate ways, now you have to find someone who won't hurt you like I did" he let go of me looking guilty. "Here's the deal" I said standing up, he stood with me. "You aren't allowed to feel guilty about what happened with me, and I'm not going to feel guilty about what I did" I held his hand and he smiled. "Pinky deal" he told me putting out his pinky. I laughed. We hadn't done that in a long time. "Pinky Deal" I laughed hooking them together.

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