Don't go

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George eventually caught up with me and grabbed my arm. "Hey" I smiled
At him trying not to make eye contact. "Hey! Hey! You said hey!" He shouted. I cringed. "You tell me you'll spend Christmas with me. And then you pack up your stuff and leave?" He asked. "I can't speak to you" I said looking around to make sure Angelina wasn't there. "Why?" He asked sadly. "I just can't" I started to walk away, when George shouted "Tina Scamander you get you're ars back here!" He shouted I stopped and turned around, he walked up to me.
"I was miserable when Fred died, I had never even mentioned his name until you walked through that door. I cut my hair, I shaved, I laughed. You were basically my best friend. Why would you just leave me?" He asked I sighed. "I have a bad past, a past will haunt me forever, I can't have friends, and that's my fault, I can't" I felt tears coming but I forced them away. "Tina" he whispered. But I pulled away. "George go be happy, you have a store, a beautiful personality, a girl who's madly in love with you-"
"Who?" He asked cutting me off.
"Angelina" I replied. "Angelina? She was Fred's girlfriend, Fred's. I'm not going to date my dead brothers girlfriend" he almost shouted
"Then why did she" I cut myself off before I could finish.
"What did she do?" He asked
"She didn't do anything" I lied, he couldn't know the truth. "Tell me" he demanded. "Can't you just accept that this is to do with me!" I shouted. He stepped down. "Goodbye George" I sighed turning around and leaving.

I still don't know where I was walking but my heart took me back in front of Fred's grave. Why here? "Hi again" I said awkwardly. "You must hate me" I sighed. "You're brother is heartbroken over you and I come make him happy, and then leave him just as heartbroken" I sat down again next to his grave.

'Go back to him'

I jumped up. Was I hearing things?

'Tina Scamander you take you're ars back to my brother and help him'

I looked around thinking maybe someone was pranking me. "I can hear you're thoughts" I said to him. I couldn't believe it. I was talking to Fred Weasley. He's dead.

'Hello Gorgeous'

"George said you were the flirtatious type"

'It wasn't you're fault'


'The war'

"I played apart in it" I told him. Then I told him everything.
"Fred I caused the war. I was able to tell Voldemort about Hermione and Ron's thoughts, he was going to kill me" I cried. "I tried to lie, he used curses on me. Then once it got too much I ran away from him. But it didn't matter he had all he needed"

'Anyone would've done what you did, don't be so harsh on yourself'

I smiled. "You think?" I asked him

'I don't think. I know!'

I laughed with him. I sat there all night. He told me about George, and the pranks they used to pull together. "You know Fred, you might be the better brother" I joked to him

'I am, but George just needs help, you can't tell him about this. You need to help him, and then he can talk to me before I can go to the next stage of life, I can't until he's happy. He's still holding onto me'

I sighed. "That means I have to tell him? Don't I" I laughed awkwardly I could already tell he was nodding. "I wish I could see you" I admitted

'So do I, I'm the better looking twin'

I laughed at his response before standing up. "Well George. I'll speak to you soon" I smiled before picking up my case and leaving.

I was in front of the store about to walk in, I was scared. He needed me. "What do you think you're doing?" I looked up to see Angelina. "What did I tell you!" She shouted. I sighed. "Tell him" she looked confused. "Tell him" I spoke again. "Oh I will I'll-"
I cut her off. "Do what Angelina? I'm sorry. I am so sorry that Fred died. I can't imagine what you're going through. But you can't keep holding onto George. He's not Fred. He's always going to be there for you, I would never steal him. But you need to move on" I was nervous. She wasn't saying anything back. A couple of minutes went by and she started to cry. "I'm sorry" she whispered. "What?" I asked. "You were just being there for George. I'm sorry" she whispered. I smiled. "It's not you're fault" I put my hand on my shoulder as she sat on the steps and cried. She cried into my shoulder. "We had a fight before he died. I didn't want him to fight the war, but he wanted too. If I'd just let him-"
I cut her off. "Angela this isn't you're fault." I repeated

'Let her talk to me. She'll keep you're secret, she's letting me go. After her it's George'

"Angelina, I need to show you something" I got up and held out my hand, she grabbed it in confusion and I lead her to Fred's grave. "Why are we here?" She asked. "Do you know what Legilimency ability is?" I asked her.
"It's the power to read minds why?" She asked. "My grandmothers sister had that ability. I inherited it. I was here last night. I can hear Fred's thoughts Angela" I told her. She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Tell me something only Fred would know!" She demanded

'Tell her I have a bruise on my head from an incident in the bedroom, add a smirk'

"Ew" I told him laughing. "What?" She asked. "Fred said to tell you about the bruise on his head-"
She cut me off. "Freddie" she cried.

'Hello love'

I spoke as if I was Fred, which went on for hours. You could tell she loved him. I blanked out most of the stuff from my brain, it was a private conversation that I didn't need to be apart of. Once it was over she collapsed into my arms. "Thankyou for letting me say goodbye" she said "it was all Fred's idea, but you can't tell George yet. Fred said he isn't ready" I said. She smiled. "I won't"

Miss Scamander (George Weasley) Where stories live. Discover now