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I sense his TIE land in the field like before.

But I stay on the couch, slowly moving into a sitting position, wrapping the soft fleece blanket around my shoulders. I do not rise to meet him at the edge of the forest like last time. He now knows his way down the winding path through the trees. He's also capable of following my Force signature straight to me.

I wait for him here.

I am patient.

Hearing his heavy boots outside my door, I lift my hand so that The Force gracefully swings it open.

"Kylo Ren. How nice of you to drop by."

There isn't bitterness in my voice. It's a genuine greeting, albeit laced with a little sarcasm.

Five full weeks of silence and self restraint. But finally, here he stands at my doorstep, as handsome and brooding as ever. He steps over the threshold and I'm pleased to see he's left the mask on his ship.

"Your meditation has come a long way," he says while walking to the dining table.

I had already assumed he wasn't the couch lounging type, so it doesn't phase me that he's now sitting across the room at a distance. He's been lightyears away for over a month, so this space between us feels much more manageable.

I don't question his statement. I know I've done well. I am confident in my new abilities.

He places a package on the table.

I arch an eyebrow in his direction.

"Your reward."

I call the parcel towards me, it reaches my outstretched hands. It's not very large but has a good weight to it. It's wrapped in basic brown paper and tied simply with twine.

I untie the knot and unwrap the paper with care.

Inside I find three beautiful books.

My life is simple, devoid of sparkly trinkets and fanciful items. I have travelled for a long time, and try to keep only a necessary amount of belongings. But the one thing I'm always sure to carry from planet to planet, my one true treasure, is my hoard of books.

Reading is a daily habit. Some of my tomes hold adventures, others have star crossed lovers, and a growing majority of them are about The Force in some way or another. Everywhere I go, I seek out more to add to the collection.

But the ones I now hold in my hands are unlike any I have ever owned. I usually frequent secondhand shops and read from tired wrinkled pages.

But these...

These are fit for the finest libraries on the capital planet.

All three are bound by leather, each cover dyed a different jewel tone. The first on the pile is sapphire with neat cursive lettering. "Astral Projection and Subconscious Travel".

Underneath that I find a thicker amethyst colored book with gold edged pages. "Duel of the Fates: An Incomplete History of the Jedi and Sith".

And lastly, and what calls to me the most, is what I immediately register to be a spellbook. Emerald with ancient symbols decorating the cover. I open to the first page and find the simple title: "Dark Enchantments".

I look up to see him studying me closely, waiting for my reaction. I suddenly realize that I've kept my wall of vines high and tight around my mind, and I let the shield drop so he can read me more clearly. Appreciation rolls off of me in waves.

"They're divine," I murmur while turning my attention back to the books in my lap.

"You earned them, continuing your training in my absence. I couldn't read your emotions at all just now. Your power is growing."

He's right. I've been exercising my mind every single day and building the muscle, channeling my energy into completely mastering the skills he has taught me so far.

"Supreme Leader Snoke is pleased with your progress."

I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm pleased," he acquiesces.

He changes gears before I form a reply. "The blue one is our next lesson. The others are for your own personal reading."

I place the purple and green books on the coffee table gently while he continues. "Read the first two chapters, let the words truly sink in, and then we will start with basic practice."

Finally standing from the couch, I unwrap myself from the blanket cocoon and stretch my limbs. I begin reading while absentmindedly walking to the fireplace. My eyes never leave the pages, but my right hand is silently using The Force to make fresh tea.

I devour the words with hungry eyes. As the water boils I read the introduction. It details the basic terminology of Force projections and lays a foundation for out-of-body traveling through the astral plane.

The herbs and mushrooms place themselves in the hot water. While I'm diving into chapter one, I find myself twirling my hair with my free hand. The kettle contents swirl in the same direction.

The rest of existence seems to disappear when I read. I'm vaguely aware of the fact that Kylo Ren is sitting at my table, wordlessly. A quick glance his direction shows that he's brought his own work to occupy the time. He has a few important looking documents and every so often he jots notes in the margins with a gloved hand.

I pour him a cup of tea while I continue to read. Well, it pours itself by The Force's doing. I'm too concentrated on this book. Too needy for more power.

After quickly finishing my own mug, and the first three chapters, I finally sit down across from him. He neatly puts away whatever First Order project he was editing.

"So. You're telling me that I can travel anywhere in the universe without leaving my cottage?"

"Not your physical form. But yes. Anywhere."

My mind starts recalling the dozens of planets I've discovered. Dry deserts. Thick woodlands. Frozen tundras. Peaceful beaches. Humid tropics. Bustling metropolises. There are some I'd like to avoid, but a few I'd rather like to visit again.

"One step at a time," says his baritone voice in my head.

"Okay then... what is the first step, Sir?"

I'm beyond eager to practice, to hone this skill.

We meditate first, of course, since this is a completely mental task. We are sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace, facing each other, eyes closed. I let the warmth of the flames and the perfume of the burning pine lull me into a peaceful state of calm.

He enters my mind gently, and guides me towards distinguishing soul from body. They feel like two halves of a whole, entangled and overlapping. There is a silence as I reorganize these parts of myself, separating the two ideas. He pushes me to draw all of my power away from my physical body.

I do as he says, and it isn't easy. But I have confidence in my abilities. Know that I will succeed.

I'm no longer aware of the sweat on my forehead. Or the pulse of my heartbeat. Or the rise and fall of my chest with each breath. I am fully, completely, in my mind.

"Open your eyes."

I do.

We are now standing, still facing each other. I don't remember standing up. And, now that I'm looking around, I definitely don't remember walking outside to the backyard. My bare feet should be cold out here. Instead they are warm.

Kylo Ren looks down at me, and softly praises, "Good girl."

He directs my attention to the window with the fruit tree.

Behind it in the living room, I see our two physical forms  - still meditating in front of a crackling fire.

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