Twenty Two

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Kylo Ren stands in the throne room of The Supremacy, looking down at the cracked planet.

"You've done well, exceptionally well," booms the voice of Supreme Leader Snoke.

The Apprentice turns to his Master.

"Thank you Supreme Leader. Your guidance was wise. It was inevitable that the Witch would demand more power than she was capable of controlling. It was only a matter of time until the bomb detonated."

"Yes, yes," agrees the wrinkled goblin. "You did well to point her towards The Dark Side with her books and visions and... rewards."

Kylo Ren stares up at his Master through the visor of his mask. Underneath, his face is expressionless.

He had watched as she harnessed the energy from the sun. He had watched the lush green forest explode and rip open after she couldn't control the power, and he felt nothing.

Snoke continues.

"The Witch has done us a favor, killing the only sun that provides warmth to the world. Soon any surviving locals will die out. Eternal freeze will cover the land and it will forever be a snowy ice planet. And as for the trench...."

The disfigured creature points a long crooked finger at the other human, standing in the back of the room.

"General. The time has come for you to prove your worth and station. You will build the planned weapon into the Kyber planet core. Strong enough to not only harness the energy from suns, but to also wield it with devastating results."

"Yes, Supreme Leader. Thank you, Supreme Leader. We shall build the finest weapon in history. One that will destroy the Rebel scum," says Armitage Hux with pride and confidence. "I will not fail."

He walks briskly out of the room, after giving a low bow to the creature on the throne and a sneer to the man dressed in all black.

Kylo Ren turns back to look down upon the destroyed planet, radiating with her Force energy mixed with the power of the destroyed sun.

He does not feel sadness.

He does not feel regret.

He feels accomplished. She finally met her true purpose in the universe. She will become the greatest weapon in the galaxy, she will kill billions for The First Order.

He had watched from space as her raw power drained the sun until it was nothing. In her final moments she became a star killer. And now he will continue her legacy. He will kill every fucking star in the known universe if he has to. He will destroy The Resistance.

The monster in the mask turns back to the monster on the throne.

"It is time to let the past die, and move on to your next mission. There is a map. You will find it and you will bring it to me," commands the Master.

"A map to where?" Asks the Apprentice.

"Not where. Who."

Kylo Ren needs no further instruction. He bows to his Supreme Leader and turns on his heels.

He walks away with determination and rage.

Ready to begin the hunt for Luke Skywalker.

Purpose: A Kylo Ren TaleWhere stories live. Discover now