Twenty One

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The warm season passes by and heat comes back to the planet. It's been a while since Kylo Ren's last visit. I've spent the months tending to the garden, meditating to The Dark Side, and practicing more and more spells.

I work on the enchantments until I flawlessly execute every charm in the book. I want to memorize them inside and out before I attempt any in the large crystal cave. I know the ancient magic will amplify my abilities, and I want to be absolutely perfect before then.

Today I'm practicing drawing the Life out of things in nature. Claiming every drop of The Force that flows through them. Killing them. I'm walking under the hot suns in the forest when I spot a large tree that looks just like the one from my vision all those months ago. I make my way over.

Everywhere I go, I carry crystals with me now. I never leave home without a few. They hum in my pockets and keep me company, and my powers seem stronger when they're around.

So I take two of the sharpest from the pocket of my black dress, and press them into my palms just like the vision version of myself. I don't flinch at the pain of my palms ripping open, blood oozing out of my tight grasp.

I place my bloody hands at the base of the tree.

When I was in my trance, I couldn't make out the incantation she was saying but by now I've learned the spell. With closed eyes, I chant under my breath while blood runs down my fingers to the grass and seeps down to the roots.

I call upon The Dark Side.

I absorb the Life from this tree.

The sensation is unbelievable. I feel it shooting through my body, coursing through my veins. It's intoxicating. I feel unstoppable.

I open my eyes and see the crumbling black skeleton of the tree, withering in front of me. Death overtakes it as I feel its Life energy course through my veins. I want more. I crave more, need more. I feel that I have performed the charm perfectly and decide it's finally time to go to the cave.

It's on the opposite side of the planet, so I know I'll need to take my ship. It's been parked in a thicket of trees for years now, so I make my way in that direction to check on it.

As I use The Force to push the branches out of the way, I finally see her.

A one person craft, with a small sleeping area on board. She's definitely fast, although not the fastest in the galaxy. But that didn't matter to me before. I just needed to go. Needed to follow the thread in my mind. Needed to make my way here.

I head inside and begin running diagnostic checks.

As I'm flipping switches and pressing the necessary buttons, I think back to the night I stole this ship.

One planet ago, there was Pax.

I was in a small city, sitting at the bar of a cantina, alone. I was in such a low place then, it's almost hard to believe that the memory is mine. I was still so desperate for guidance and meaning to my life. Stars how things have changed.

I was on my third or fourth drink, feeling like a purposeless piece of shit, when they walked in.

Masculine haircut, soft eyes with long lashes, curves hiding under bulky clothing, full lips. Their hair was a soft brown, eyes a stunning green. Clusters of freckles splattered their face and arms. I wondered to myself how many dotted the other parts of their body.

They saw me eyeing them immediately, and made their way over to the barstool next to mine.

"Alone?" They asked.

Purpose: A Kylo Ren TaleWhere stories live. Discover now