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He has been away for almost three weeks now.

This planet has tilted away from the closest sun. The days are much shorter and frost lingers in the air. I thank the stars for the few hours in the day that the biggest sun does shine down. I feel that this planet would be a frozen wasteland without it. The second sun is too far to give off warmth, only light.

The seasons have fully changed and snow has finally arrived. I drape myself in many warm layers of gray fabric, begrudgingly don boots when trekking outside.

I miss the garden. And the wildflowers.

But there is a certain beauty to the frozen season.

The pine forest is dusted with white, like powdered sugar on cake. The rivers still flow but chunks of ice glitter along the banks. During my morning walks, my breath reminds me of thick spice smoke. But no matter the temperature, I always feel connected to the nature around me. I can sense the life hibernating patiently under the surface of the soil, waiting for warmth and sunlight again.

My moonlit hours are spent indoors.

I finished the blue book in two days.

The later chapters were more difficult to understand, but I made it through. I haven't gone to any far off world yet, but I have been exploring more of this one - from the comfort of my rug by the fire. I have now Force projected as far as the other side of the planet. I feel fucking phenomenal. Stronger than ever.

I was given one homework assignment.

"Find me again," he said. "But make sure I can see you this time. Not just hear you. Concentrate your powers. Force project to wherever I am."

"What will my reward be this time?" I asked with confidence.

"Something better than books."

And with that, he was gone.

I have meditated every morning and night since. Stretched my mind, found myself projecting further and further away. This evening's trance led me within another crystal cave, even larger and more wondrous than the one near my home. It called to me. I walked and explored until my mind eventually grew tired.

When I return to my body by the fire, I'm sweaty and sore. Rolling my neck and stretching my arms across my frame, I feel satisfied. I feel strong.

I walk to the 'fresher to run a bath, and add drops of perfume and oil to the hot water. I light a few candles and silently call a book to the room while stripping off my clothes.

The soft emerald leather of "Dark Enchantments" meets my hand as I step into the tub.

The first few chapters have been all groundwork. I'm currently rereading runic translations and forcing the symbols to memory. I work to understand this language as fast as I can because I want to get to the good stuff. The majority of the book contains what I assume to be charms and spells. I'm determined to learn them all, to absorb the ancient powers.

The title of the book rings true, these pages feel sinful.

This is Dark Magic.

That doesn't phase me. If anything, it draws me in more.

I can understand why Kylo Ren thought I would like this book. All of the symbols are based in nature. There are references to moons, suns, flowers, blood, death, life, plants, animals. It's all very primal. I'm currently studying two interlocking triangles which represent sex. Flipping through the book, I see that it's referenced in many of the charms.

The wickedness seeps into my pores as I soak in the silky hot water.

After a while, I send the book back to the shelf with the others. Satisfied that I've comprehended a lot of what I've just been reading. Determined to do actual spell work soon.

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