8. Backstories

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"Uh, what exacly do you mean?" asked Grian.

"Me and Xisuma, we are the two Void brothers, twins to be exact. And once you know it, it is quite obvious that we are at least somehow related to each other," Exirian said.

"Guess you are right. Your suit is almost identical to X's, except it's red and you are about same height. You look very similar," Grian admitted "But why X haven't mentioined anything about you being here?"

"He doesn't know that I'm here. And if he knew, he would ban me. Not that I couldn't get back here, but it ain't the nicest feeling," Grian frowned as Exirian said that. He had so much questions.

"Why X would ban you? And how doesn't he know that you are here? He is the admin, shouldn't he now these kind of things?" Grian couldn't hold up his curiosity.

"How much questions do you even have?" Exirian mumbled to himself, quiet enough that Grian couldn't hear him. "Xisuma would want to ban me, because back in the old days I tried to 'destroy' Hermitcraft back in the old days. And before you say anything, I am really sorry about what I did back then. And X doesn't know that I am here, because I've hacked the playerlist to not show my name. And yes, I am a hacker, but I'm not those who scam other people. I hack only to help myself or other people."

Grian looked like he was about to ask something, but Exirian interrupted, "How many questions you even have?!"
"Many. Four to be exact," Grian said staring Exirian in his eyes under the red helmet.
"Ugh, okay then, ask if you want."
"First of all, why did you want to destroy Hermitcraft?"

"Well, when X and I were kids, we... didn't really like each other. I also were the hated child, when Xisuma was the loved. So I wanted reverenge on that."

"Second, how do you know about Watchers?"

"When I was banned from Hermitcraft, I went to a random world and there--of course--was Watchers."

"Then how did you get back to Hermitcraft if you were banned?"

"I hacked my way back to Hermitcraft. However, this time I destroy it. I had seen one world being destroyed by Watchers and as I saw that world on fire, I relised that I didn't want that to happen to Hermitcraft. X still tried to ban me from here, but I was able to stop it happening. I just teleported away, removed my name from the playerlist and made a fake message in the chat that said that I was banned. After quite some time after that, X saw me and tried to ban me again, succeeding that time. It took me long time to come back to Hermitcraft and when I came, It was in the middle of this season. I removed everything in admin files that would give away that I am here."

"Okay, the last question," Grian said, "What is your name?"

"Oh, um, my name is Exirian, but the hermits know me as Evil Xisuma or EX for short. But how did you become a Watcher?" Exirian asked, changing the subject. He didn't want to talk about the name the hermits called him.

EX could tell that Grian didn't really want to talk about him being Watcher, but he still did, "Before Hermitcraft I were in a world called Evolution or Evo. There were these two Watchers that are now in Hermitcraft. They messed with our lives and we hated them.

"Because our world worked differendly, we started with the oldest version and we got updates when Watchers wanted us to get. As the update came, that allowed us to get to End, I went and killed enderdragon. When I jumped down to the portal, it didn't take me to my spawnpoint like it was supposed to do, instead it took me to the Watchers. Then I remembered that they had said the first time we met the Watchers, that we need go to End. Gem and Flora made me a Watcher because I had beaten the enderdragon. I grew these wings and gain my magic.

"I needed always to obey them, or they would make me to watch as they hurt someone or even make me to hurt them. And because I didn't want to obey them, that happened too many times," Grian tried to hide it, but EX could see tears building up in corners of his eyes. What had happened must have been traumatic and EX started to feel guilty of asking Grian about him beginning Watcher.

"Once I went too far of rebelling against them and t-they k-k-killed my friends o-one by one a-and made m-me watch," Grian now broke down in tears. EX had never knew how to comfort anyone so he just pulled Grian into a hug, allowing him to sob into Exirian's chest.

After a while, Grian calmed down and EX let go of him. Grian continued his story after he had cleared his blue eyes from tears, "After that, I didn't want to be with the Watchers anymore. After what happened I didn't have very much anything left to lose so I could try to escape. It was very dangerous, because I couldn't think straight. But somehow I survived and made it here, in Hermitcraft."

Exirian still wanted to know one thing, "Do you know how Watchers got here?"

"It's my fault. I got a nightmare, because I had accidentally used my magic to defend myself from a giant explotion. There was Gem and Flora in that nightmare and Gem gave me this mark," Grian rolled up his sleeve that hid his Watcher mark and showed the mark to EX, "When I woke up and freaked out. Because of panicking, my magic didn't work and the protection spell that I used to hide Hermitcraft from Watchers, it broke. Because Watchers were looking for me, they found Hermitcraft. Because of me we are all doomed to death."

Exirian couldn't decide, did he hate more Grian begin sad or angry at himself. Grian seemed like a nice guy and clearly didn't deserve all of this. "Look, it's not your fault that Watchers are absolute jerks. At least you tried to keep them from Hermitcraft and succeed pretty well until this day," EX tried to make Grian feel better.

That cheered Grian up, but only a little bit, "Guess you are right. I'm just worried that if the same thing that happened to Evo happens to Hermitcraft and it's gonna be my fault." EX put his hand on Grain's shoulder, "No it won't happen. We two will take care about it."

"But how? We are going agains creatures that are almost impossible to defeat."
"If you remember, you are a Watcher too. You have magic too," Exirian reminded.
"But they are far better at using magic than me," Grian said hanging his head down.
"Then you just gotta train more. I'm sure that you will learn quickly," Exirian tried to comfort Grian.
"Thanks. Um--can I ask you one thing?"

"If you and X are twins, are you identical?" Grian asked nervously. He wasn't sure if that was a question that he was allowed to ask. Xisuma didn't like to talk about how he looked very much. That is propably why he always has his helmet on. But Exirian didn't seem to mind the question.

"Well we kinda are and kinda not. You see, we both look exacly the same, exept I'm albino," EX took his helmet off revealing his face and semi-long white hair that was on ponytail. He got a pale, almost white skin tone, bright eyes that were as red as blood and he also got a large scar going from his left cheek, just under his eye, to his chin running across his lips.

"I didn't know that if there is identical twins, one of them could be albino. But honestly, that is cool. But how did you got that scar?" Grian couldn't stop beging curious.

"Um, when we first got taught how to fight, we somehow got into a sword fight and we might have cut each other in the progress. And that is why he always got his helmet on. Because he has a huge scar on his face made by me," Exirian clearly felt awful about what he had done.

Grian yawned a bit and screched his arms and looked the time from a little pocket clock, "The sun is about to set soon so it would be a good idea to go to bed. You can stay here overnight since it would be just stupid that you fly back to where you live. Also we have to sleep here if we don't want hermits to know that you are here," Grian pulled out two beds out of his inventory and placed them on the floor as he said that. Both of the beds were red, because red is the best colour for a bed and you can't think otherwise(also it maches with Grian's sweater and Exy's suit).

They both went under the sheets whitout a word and started to sleep. Grian could just hope that he won't see a Watcher nightmare.


(word count: 1558)

(A/N: finally! this chapter took way too long to make *cough* nearly a month *cough*. i started to write this chapter but then i relized that i hated it so i deleted it and this is what i came up with! hope you like it!)

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