11. Residues

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All the things that used to be here
left invisible residues.
Clutter, dust, particles,
I can sense their being on the floor,
the mattress, the spaces
in here like this was a huge
carcass or a dead body reeking
with histories in the flesh.
Cleaning was my favorite chore,
until I grew tired of the
pollens that I inhaled,
a walk outside made me
a germophobe.
A dirty room made me nauseous
but nausea made me spill
my innards into art.
The conflict made a great plot
for a war collection,
as every nook and corner here
now harbors creatures I cringe
and yearn having, slightly
apprehensive of the time
I will no longer clean,
my lungs already porous
but still lungs, wanting me
to throw my vacuum.

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