sunkissed skin (namkook)

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Jungkook happily sets his things in his suitcase, sighing in content when he finally zips it up. His boyfriend told him they were going to Busan weeks ago, visiting Jungkook's family and going to the beach to relax and unwind. Jungkook and Namjoon have been working nonstop, trying to make money so he and Namjoon could get an actual house instead of living in an apartment. Jungkook stands up, dusting off his pants, looking at all his luggage scattered around the room.

He had at least four bags, even though they were only going to stay for about a week. Namjoon walks in, grinning; his dimples engraving deep craters on his cheeks. He walks over to Jungkook, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist. The younger nuzzles back into his arms, closing his eyes, sleepiness starting to flow through his veins. Namjoon leans down, resting his chin on the top of Jungkook's soft hair.

The two rock side to side, Jungkook humming softly. "You ready to go, Bun?" Jungkook suddenly energized again, jumps out of Namjoon's arms, tumbling over his bags. He takes two, sprinting out of the bedroom, and to the car to set his things in the back.


The two men step off the airplane, Jungkook holding two bags, whilst Namjoon carried three. They called an Uber, telling the driver their destination. The Uber driver was very friendly, telling him his name was Jimin. Jimin played music, tapping his hands against the steering wheel to the beat as Jungkook sings along. Namjoon just watches fondly, as his boyfriend has fun.


When they finally reach Jungkook's house, they bid farewell to Jimin, who smiles before driving away. Jungkook barrels into his home, looking for his parents. "Eomma! I'm home!" Jungkook's mother comes soon enough, tears forming in her eyes. She hugs her son close, smiling happily.

Namjoon could tell Jungkook was her son, they had the same adorable bunny smile, and their cheeks puff up each time they did. Jungkook's mother finally lets go of her child, looking over to Namjoon. "Is this the man you've been phone calling me about?" Jungkook nods, smiling cutely. Jungkook's mother walks over to Namjoon, putting her warm motherly hands on each side of his face. She examines him, twisting his head up and down to take in his features. When she lets go, she turns to Jungkook. "He's a good one. Keep him." Jungkook nods, blushing profusely.


Dinner is soon ready. Everyone was munching happily, happy to be close to one another. "Eomma, Namjoonie and I are going to the beach after this, is that okay?" She nods, pointing her chopsticks at Namjoon. "Keep an eye on my Kookie, okay? He's not good with water." Jungkook blushes while Namjoon nods. "I will,"


Namjoon and Jungkook set off for the beach, walking since it was so close. "I used to sneak out with my friends and go late night swimming. I remember always thinking that I was going to drown, and eventually, I did. My friend, Yongguk, saved me and I was grounded for three months on end." Jungkook states suddenly. He looks up at Namjoon, big doe eyes looking up at him; long eyelashes batting with each movement of his eyes. "Will you save me if that happens again?" Namjoon stops, holding Jungkook's hands gently. "You won't need me to save you, I won't even let your head go under the water." Jungkook smiles bashfully. Namjoon kisses each of his knuckles, and they continue walking, hand in hand.

Jungkook grins, even more, when he sees the beach, water splashing gently. Jungkook quickly takes off his shirt, his shirts being his swim trunks. Namjoon follows him, not wanting Jungkook to drown. Jungkook's sun-kissed skin shimmers in the water; the setting sun arranging a mix of colors of pink, orange, yellow, and red. Jungkook looked ethereal, silky skin on display. Namjoon slips into the water, swimming to where Jungkook was splashing excitedly.

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