Chapter 4

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When Julian came across the beach looking for Kit and Ty he had a deja-vu of him and Emma lying on that same beach, even thought the situation was different it still made him smile a little.
Ty woke up still on Kit's chest his hand still wrapped in the hand of the Herondale, still couldn't believe that happened. Were he and Kit a couple now? Like were they together? he never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend and well any relationship for that matter so he wouldn't know well not actually but he was still enjoying the situation he was in now.
He saw Julian waking on the beach reaching to them as he was still on Kit chest now kinda embarrassed he saw that.
"Hey i was looking for you, you didn't came back to the institute yesterday"
"Yeah i-we know we just umh fell asleep"
"You did uh? so...?"
"Ohh you know"
"C'mon don't- Ty stopped talking because Kit was yawning and just woke up
"Good morning" he said to Ty giving him a quick kiss not realizing Julian was there too
"Oh Julian you're here too i didn't see you" he said blushing and that might have been the first time he had seen Kit blush.
"Yeah you were clearly absorbed in something else" he said glancing at him and then at Ty "C'mon il take you back to the institute"
"That was next level embarrassing" Ty said
"why we were gonna tell everybody that we were together anyway" said Kit while holding Ty's hand
"wait we're together"
"we're not? i taught we were i mean unless you don't want than this is next level embarrassing and i made a fool of myself" said Kit worried
"no no i-i want to, we are i didn't know if you wanted to be with me"
"of course i want to be with you Ty why wouldn't i?"
"i don't know?"
" well don't,don't worry about that i....i-want to be with you"
"i want to be with you too" he said smiling "how i love his smile" kit thought ,he wanted to say i love you to him and well he had already said it once so why was it so hard to tell him again, why couldn't he just say that now that were simpler between him and Ty.
We were just there holding hands staring into each other smiling like two idiots and yet i could've have done it all day,just stare in those wonderful color eyes and that beautiful smile. And i would've but Dru came by interrupting us
"Hey guys i didn't where were you i was looking for you all morning, do you wanna watch a movie?"
"I'll pass this time but thanks Dru" said Ty letting go of my hand walking away, so handsome
"Well i don't have anything to do so i'm in"
"Well now the movie will have to wait what was that?"
"What was what"
"You know the hands,the looks, the smiles, that dumbass look on your face that you have now? She said smiling like a maniac
"Oh nothing much umh"
"C'mon Kit we're friends right?"
"Okay okay you won so we kissed last night and also this morning and-"
"And? What? Did you do something else last night?"
"What? No,no, of course not, no we just kissed and then Ty fell asleep on my chest on the beach when Julian later found us this morning"
"And does he know?"
"Well i kissed Ty good morning not realizing he was there so yes he knows"
"That's so exciting i always knew you had a crush on him"
"Okay calm down it wasn't that obvious"
"Uhm yeah it was"
"Fine you win but can we watch the movie now i think we talked enough"
"Okay but just so you know i'm not done
"Do you like him?"
"Yeah i already told you that i do"
"Okay then do you love him?"
"I don't know Livvy i don't know that's a big work like listen i appreciate you helping me with him but maybe we should spend your time as ghost into something more important than-"
"Than talking about you and Kit? No way, this is important"
"Okay okay fine"
"It's so amazing he's your first love"
"I already said-"
"that you don't know yes but maybe you're just holding yourself back i mean you really like him
"yes but he's also the first one i've ever liked"
"so he's like my boyfriend and i've never had one,i don't know how this works"
"you're worrying to much you like him maybe love him and he loves you, why worry?"
"he actually never said-"
"For that i can tell you he did even if you don't know it or remember it," she smiled at me " Now i have to go but i'll tell you this, you deserve a little happiness right now, you earned it so live it without worrying okay?
I love you"
"I love you too"
"Hey you i've been looking everywhere for you, what are you doing?" Said Kit
"Oh yeah i was talking to Livvy...anyway you're here now"
"Yeah i heard the others wanna talk to us, walk with me?" he said coming closer to kiss me
"With pleasure" i said taking his hand

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