Chapter 5

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The others were talking while we came across the room, then they stopped to look at us and Emma said "Well look who finally got together" and we both blushed
"Yes like we believe Julian hasn't told you from this morning" said Kit looking directly at her i loved that even embarrassed he could still roast people.
"Okay okay i knew he told me but i still hadn't seen it"
"Care to explain?" said Mark
"Again like Emma hasn't told Cristina that told you"
"She didn't tell me" said Cristina
"Yeah i wanted it to be a surprise"
"Why is it such a big deal that Kit and i are together?" i said and did i sound mad? Kit was laughing so maybe i didn't?
"Oh it's-"
"Don't worry Emma, he just doesn't like being the center of the attention right ba-Ty?
"Yeah-uhm- i'm sorry" it was cute, he was cute ready to call me babe but he stopped because he didn't want to embarrass me
"Don't be we're just happy for you"
"Yeah as i told Kit i already knew this would happen" said Dru
" Anyway what is the meeting about?" Kit said changing the subject
" Oh yeah the demons attacks i almost forgot, the smaller demons are retiring without a fight but the bigger ones are appearing and we need everyone safe in case something happens so you'll stay in the institute alright"
"But-" started Dru she couldn't finish the phrase because Julian stopped her
"Dru i know you as well as Kit and Ty went patrolling okay? i know you have the age to fight, all of you but It's me and Emma"he said reaching for her hand "And Mark and Cristina the adults we fight in first line and i need you and Tavvy even if he's not here to the meeting he is too young to even know this-"
"I know what you're thinking" Emma interrupted him "But he's not being overprotective he just wants you safe since we just came out of a war okay?
"Yeah Emma's right try to be careful alright?" Cristina backed her up
"Fine" gave up Dru
"We won't leave the institute unless we're in danger or without asking"
"Yeah we can't lose someone else now we need to be more careful and safer than ever" added solemnly Mark
"That was harsh right i mean like we aren't already enough worried or in danger" i said and kit nodded and continued to walk silently
"Hey what is it? Something's bothering you? he turned reluctantly to look at me
"I-i have to tell you something or-or ask you"
"Yeah i do too" i didn't even know exactly what it was but i knew i did
"No me first i really have to say this"
"Oh umh okay Kit what is it?"
"Well i umh you know i...that i-
"I love you too" i said without thinking, i only realized it now but i do love him,i think he's the first one i've ever loved and i realize i should've told him sooner"
"you-you love me?"
"You don't? Isn't that what you wanted to say? or you wanted to break up with me because you realized you didn't like me because if is that then this is the most embarrassing moment in my life"
"no no i-i do too i love you too Ty i guess i've actually been in love with you since the first moment i saw you"
"oh okay phew you scared me there for a second"
" i'm sorry it's just that i've never cared about
anyone in my life i guess maybe my dad but we didn't have this close father-son relationship, he's pretty much they only person i've actually known in the meaning of the word and this thing about feelings it's pretty new to me,            i know i love you Ty and now i can say it but i didn't know how to say it i mean i already did told you but you didn't remember it so it didn't count and-"
"Kit don't worry i get it okay" i said smiling at him "I understand you're new to your feelings and so am i so i guess we can figure them out together"
"Yes yes we can i love you so much"
"I love you too"

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