The Change

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Halloween. Of course, izuku would find out he was a human on Halloween. The day where humans would originally dress up as monsters and creatures, turned into the day where real monsters came out of hiding and took over the world as they knew it over 300 years ago. After the battle for control over the day world, monsters and humans came to coexist. Not that it really mattered, as there were not many humans left. Through the war, and cross breeding, only 10% of the worlds population was human in todays society. And just Izukus luck, he was part of that small population. While the other 50 percent was ghost, zombies, or animal based monster, 35% of the rest were rare types of monsters, and the 5% were the elite. Like the classic werewolves, vampires, ect. Werewolves and vampires, the primary human hunters during the war, killed more than any other species combined. It is said that if a human passes by a werewolf, their scent will cause such intense anger, the werewolf will kill that human on the spot.

Izuku shivered at the thought as he put on his shoes.

"Im off mom, love you!" He called as he headed out the door.

"Be safe deary, and stay under the radar!" Inko called. Izuku waved bye as he headed to his school. Its been ten years since he and his mom found out he was human. Since then, life hasn't always been easy, but he has made it through okay.

"Zuzu!" Izuku felt a weight from behind as it jumped on him, nearly causing him to lose balance.

"Ocha!" Izuku blushed, as she pulled him Into a hug as she floated off the ground.

"Its our last day, you cant tell me youre not excited!" She smiled.

Ochaco Uraraka, Izukus best friend, and like his mom, a ghost. She and Izuku have been friends since they were kids, and as the first person-er, creature to accept him being human.

"Yeah, but id rather it had been yesterday." Izuku said, with a smirk. Uraraka rolled her eyes and floated next to him.

"Saaaame, school can be a real drag. Im sooo not ready for high school." She sighed, then looked at him.

"Are you still aiming for U.A.?" She asked. Izuku looked down and nodded.

"I know its silly, but If by chance...Id love to." He said quietly. Uraraka frowned and took his face, forcing him to look at her.

"Its not silly, I think you can do it!" She said firmly. Izuku blushed, then chuckled.

"Thanks Ocha." He smiled sincerely. She blushed and let go, floating ahead of him.

"Ill see you at lunch, bye!" She said and floated off before Izuku could say one more word.

"O-" He sighed and withdrew his out stretched hand.

"Gross, its deku!" Someone said as he walked by and entered his classroom. He ignored all the glares and gazes. One more day, he thought to himself as class began.

Romero, a zombie walked over to izuku as the bell rang, signaling the end of that day.

"Hey deku, why are you still here?" He said sarcastically. Everyone hurried up and packed their things, not wanting to get caught up in this act of bullying. Izuku tried hurrying too.

"I heard you wanna go to U.A., you think they accept freaks like you? human?" Romero laughed. Izuku shook alittle as his notebook slipped from his hand and fell back on the desk. Before he could pick it back up, Romero snatched it and looked through it. His grin got wider.

"Are you taking notes on us you little freak?" He laughed before throwing it behind him.

"Don't-" Izuku was cut off as romero pushed izuku out if his chair and some of his buddies who stayed back laughed.

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