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Izuku tried to keep his head down, to ignore the eyes glaring at him from the seat beside him.

"........" He nervously sweated. Bakugou leaned in closer, still glaring.

"Why'd you run off like that, huh Deku?" He demanded, his voice quit but voice full of annoyance and anger. Uraraka looked between bakugou and deku and pulled dekus chair closer to he rside, glaring at bakugou.

"Haaaa?" He tilted his head at her.

"D-Don't bully Zuzu.." She mustered up the courage to speak. Bakugous eyebrow twitched with frustration.

"Who the fuck is zuzu?!" He smiled darkly.

"Bakubro, you can't run so fast man!" Kirishima panted as he entered the classroom, catching his breath. Bakugou was still glaring daggers at deku, who looked like he was either gonna cry or pass out. Probably both.

"And look who I found in the hallway!" Kirishima said and pulled in a young man with a lightening bolt in his hair.

"Kiri, chill man!" The guy said as bakugou stopped glaring enough to look over.

"No shit, they let your jigsaw ass in?" He said abit calmer than he was. The guy huffed and walked over to them.

"Course they did, my great grandfather was the original Frankenstein, look, I even have his ears." The guy said, showing off his ears, which looked alittle too big for his head. Bakugou wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Gross, don't show me that shit!" He spat. Kirishima put his arm around the guys shoulders and looked at the scared Izuku and nearly equally scared Uraraka.

"Sorry about Bakubro, he can be abit...aggressive with his friendship."
"Fuck off-"
"Anyway, this is our other friend Denki Kaminari. Hes..well, basically hes a frankenstein." Kirishima said, and Denki huffed.

"Its not 'Basically', I am a Frankenstein." He said annoyed.

"I am Tenya Ida, it is very nice to meet you." Tenya said jumping up nervously and stiff. Deku almost forgot about Bakugou, as he smiled alittle at the mans antics. Kirishima sat behind bakugou and Denki sat in front of him, as there was no other desk next to him being the last row.

"Fuck off, don't sit next to me you extras!" Bakugou growled, making Deku flinch. Bakugous ear twitched as he noticed his behavior scared Deku and tched, looking up front.

The door slammed open and in walked a depressed looking man.

"Morning everyone, and welcome to your first day at U.A. Id say good morning, but mornings are never good." The man said as the classroom seemed to get alittle darker. He yawned and stood at the podium.

"My name is Shota Aizawa, and yes, I am a boogieman. No, I do not like disco music, and yes, I am always this tired." He said apathetically. He pulled out a notebook.

"When I call your name, I was you to stand up and introduce yourself. No, you don't have to say what supernatural you are, but I do expect everyone to be respectful. Got it." He said with a dark look in his eyes.

"Yes sir!" The class said in near unison.

"Good, now first. Yuga Aoyama." He called out. A sparkily blonde man jumped up and winked.

"I am here! I am Yuga Aoyama, but please, call me Yuga. I am an Imp! Oh, but don't worry, Im sure we can all still be friends." He said before winking again and sitting back down.

", Mina Ashido." Aizawa called. A pink colored girl jumped up and smiled.

"Yo, im Mina! Im a black eyed child, and if you stare at my boobs, Ill make sure you go missing. Just kidding!" She said and sat down, the room quiet.

"...I don't think that was a joke." Someone whispered. Aizawa cleared his throat.

"Alright, Tsuyu Asui." He called.

"Here." A girl said raising her hand. She looked more frog than girl.

"But please, call me Sue." She said, not speaking about her species before the class understood she didn't want to say.

"Okay, Tenya Ida." Aizawa read as the student behind Deku jumped up in a straight posture.

"I am Tenya Ida sir, I am very glad to be here as I am but a common zombie!" He bowed to the class.

"It is very nice meeting you all!" He said loudly, causing Aizawa to mentally sigh.

"Great, okay next up is Ochaco Uraraka." He said looking up as Tenya tried hiding his embarrassment as he sat down. Uraraka stood up excitedly.

"I am Ochaco, Im a ghost, and I love puppies and kittens! Oh! But first person shooter games are my favorite! Well, Its very nice meeting everyone!" She smiled before sitting back down.

"....thank you for sharing. Next up, Shoto Todoroki." Aizawa ended with a sigh. A guy in the back corner of the class, hair half red and half white, looked up from his book. Almost half his face was scarred and then some of the students gasped.

"A vampire."

"No way, the Todoroki clan?"

"Why here?"

Murmurs filled the room. A vampire? That's about as rare as a werewolf.

"Quiet." Aizawa said in warning as Todoroki looked around, his eyes catching Izukus for a moment before closing them.

"I am Shoto Todoroki, and I am a direct descendant of Dracula." He said before looking back at him book.

Oh no, THAT Todoroki clan?? The clan that was shoulder to shoulder with the werewolves only once, and it was to take out as many humans as possible in the war?? A Vampire AND a Werewolf in the same school, let alone a class? Deku thought he was going to puke.

"....." Everyone waited to see what Todoroki would do or say next.

"...Alright, next up is Mashirao Ojiro." Aizawa called, taking the attention off Todoroki. The rest of the class went on as some classmates spoke of their supernatural species, and some kept it to themselves.

"Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa called, and Izuku jumped up in his chair, nervous.

"I-Im Izuku Midoriya, uh-um its n-nice to meet everyone!" He yelled at the end and bowed harshly, smacking his head on the desk.

"zuzu!" Ocha said worried and held her hands up unsure of what to do. Izuku rubbed his forehead.

"i-im fine." He said, embarrassed and sat down. Bakugou eyed him for a minute and stood up, looking at the class.

"Im Katsuki Bakugou, of the werewolf clan. You piss me off and ill eat you, you got that extras!" Bakugou growled before sitting back in his seat. Deku was nervous again, staring down at his desk like he hoped it would swallow him up.

"...lovely. Alright, that's everyone." Aizawa said and closed the roll book.

"Welcome everyone, to U.A."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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