After Exam

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The first day of U.A., after the examination period, Izuku found himself nose deep into a notebook. He continued memorizing the newest spell and potion master Yagi taught him, making sure that everything was right.

"ZuZU!" He heard and quickly closed the notebook. If anyone knew he was learning magic- spells even, well, that would not be good.

He turned his head to see Uraraka floating towards him, excitedly. He beamed in surprise and excitement.

"Ocha! You applied for U.A. too?" He asked surprised.

"Yep! I was going to keep it a secret until I was accepted, but I saw you walking around in circles and had to say something." She chuckled.

"Wait, really?" He asked, taking a look at his surroundings. No wonder that set of stairs looked familiar.

"Huh." He said as she put an arm around his shoulder.

"Youre always spacey and unaware when your concentrating on something, huh zuzu?" She chuckled. Izuku blushed.

"N-Not always!" He said, and put the book away.

"What are you studying?" She asked, noticing the worn notebook. He became alittle nervous

"Ummm just studying for summer classes. You know." Izuku said, hoping she wouldn't notice the lie.

"..oh, okay!" Uraraka smiled. Luckily she was kind of an air head. He breathed a small air of relief.

"zuku!" She whispered seriously, pulling izuku closer to her as she looked past him.

"What?" Izuku asked and turned to look where she was looking. He gasped, then quickly covered his mouth. On the other side of the field was him.

A werewolf.

Uh oh.

Izuku and Uraraka began backing up abit, hoping to not catch his attention until they were out of sight. They breathed an air of relief at once.

"Zuzu, theres a werewolf here. A werewolf! We need to get you out of here!" She whispered yelled.

"Ill be fine Ocha, We are on school grounds. Plus, I took a scent blocker so I don't smell much, let alone smell human. He cant do anything here, even if he did catch my scent." Izuku said, alittle nervously. He was happy now that he created a potion with master Yagis help to hide his scent. Even against a werewolf, whom have the strongest sense of smell, should be unable to decipher it too quickly.

"...Oh, well...I don't know zuzu, this is still abit dangerous. Maybe U.A. isn't the best place for-"

"For what, a human?" Izuku cut her off, staring at her hard.

"Im just worried that youll get hurt." Ocha said frowning. Izuku sighed and rubbed his face.

"I know, I know, im sorry. But I worked so hard to get into this school, im not leaving cuz a werewolf decided to study here too." He said serisouly. Uraraka smiled and patted his shoulder.

"You've gotten braver over the summer break." She said proudly. Izuku chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess I have." He smiled.

"OH! I gotta head out, I promised my mom we could go shopping after my exams. Will you be okay heading home on your own?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Ill be fine, you go have fun." Izuku smiled.

"Okay then, Ill see you later zuzu!" She said and floated off, waving bye. Izuku waved bye after her and sighed when she was out of site. He fixed his backpack when the wind blew into his face. He chuckled and headed on home, turning the corner. If he waited any moment later, he would have been caught by a dirty blond wolf, whom stood in the place he was and breathed in the scent that caught his attention.


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