The Correlation

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"I passed!" Izuku said excitedly as he ran into the house, the letter in his hand.

"I knew you could do it izuku dear!" Inko said and hugged him tightly. Izuku smiled as he hugged back.

"Moooom." He said in a fake whin voice. She chuckled and let him go.

"Mister Yagi is in your room, why don't you go tell him the good news?" She said. Izuku beamed and ran up the stairs, taking off his shoes as he ran up the stairs and opened the door to his room.

"Master Yagi! I passed!" He said with tears in his eyes. Yagi was looking through one of izukus notebooks as he was waiting, and looked up with a smile.

"I knew you could do it, my boy!" Yagi said excitedly and got up.

"Now, for your correlation." He said. Izukus smile began to fall.

"My what?" He asked. Yagi put the book down and looked at the shelves of notebooks displayed next to Izukus bed.

"Ive taught you every spell and potion I could in this small amount of time. You are no longer an apprentice. You are a witch." Yagi said seriously and turned to Izuku, whom understood the seriousness of the situation.

"But- there is still so much I don't know! I can barely fly, my magic spells are clumsy, I-I don't even have a-"

"A wand? Wands are, as you say, very old school. My master did away with the concepts of using wooden sticks as wands. I only taught you with them, as to drill in the basics into your brain. Now, you will no longer need them. Instead, your finger will be your wand." Yagi said and pulled out a small box.

"..Master Yagi, I don't think im ready." Izuku said, unsure.

"You are, young Midoriya, I would not bestow onto you my masters wand if you were not." Yagi smiled. Izuku looked shocked.


"Now go get your cape and hat on young man, although we do not use the proper wands nowadays, we should stick to the basic uniform." Yagi chuckled as Izuku nodded and ran to his closet and pulled put his black cape and witch hat. He put them on and turned to Yagi.

"Im ready master." He said. Yagi walked up to Izuku.

"Do you, Izuku Midoriya, swear to pledge his allegiance to mother nature and all her creations?" He began.

"I do."

"And do you, Izuku Midoriya, swear to use your knowledge of magic to help keep balance where there is chaos?"

I do."

"And Finally, Izuku Midoriya, do you pledge to keep this knowledge away from those whom would want to do harm?"

"I do."

"Then I bestow onto you, this bracelet of magic." Yagi said and opened the box in his hand. A sliver charm bracelet floated up and Izuku felt the need to hold his hand out. The bracelet flew and wrapped itself around Izukus wrist, snapping into place, before becoming limp.

"Congratulations young Midoriya, you are now a full fledge witch." Yagi smiled. Izuku began tearing up.

"Thank you, allmight." He said and hugged him. Yagi, surprised by the hug, held his arms out before relaxing and hugging the boy back.

"To celebrate, we shall go flying out tonight." Yagi smiled. Izuku moved backwards and rubbed his face into his sleeve.

"yes sir!" He said.

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