First Encounter

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Izuku smiled to himself as he walked to the front of the school, still feeling abit of adrenaline he had from last nights flight.

"Zuzu!" He turned his head to the voice and waved at Uraraka who floated towards him.

"Ocha, I see you made it." He beamed.

"Of course, I had to study extra hard! Did you see on the bulletin, we're going to be in he same class!" She said excitedly. Izuku beamed and took her hands.

"I know! Isnt it great?" He smiled excitedly, not noticing Uraraka blushing due to the contact. He froze and let go, blushing hard.

"Ah, sorry Ocha, I was just so excited." He mumbled, still embarrassed. Ocha smiled and gave him a hug.

"Its fine Izuku, this year will be amazing, I can feel it!" She said sincerely. Izuku took her arm and they headed on inside.

"Lets not be late." He said excitedly.

"WOAH!" Uraraka said as he ran holding onto her.

"Zuzu, slow down, youll-" Izuku smashed face first into a warm brick wall,and fell back, onto his butt.

"ow.." He muttered, rubbing his poor nose.

"ZuZu!" Ocha kneeled down to help him.

"Ah, im so sorry! Are you o-" Izuku cut himself off as he looked up to meet firey red eyes and enlonged fangs.

"What where youre going, punk." The brick wall growled.


Aw shit, it's the werewolf.

Izuku quickly got up, frightened.

"I-I am so sorry, I- I didn't mean-"

"Its fine shortstack." The werewolf grumbled and bent down to pick up the books and izukus bookbag that fell. He raised an eyebrow at the nametag on the bag.

"Deku? Geez, how old are you to still have your nametag on your bag?" The werewolf scoffed. Izuku blushed.

"Izuku.." He muttered, looking down, and abit pissed off.

"Ha?" The werewolf said, rasing an eyebrow.

"I-its pronounce, Izuku." Izuku said, still scared as he looked up in determination at the werewolf, but then looked back down as he was intimidated.

"....Nah, I think I like Deku better." The wolf said and smirked. Izuku flinched and Uraraka stepped in front of him, shielding him for the wolf.

"Can you hand the bag over?" She asked unfriendly and held her hand out, glaring at the wolf, trying to hide her fear as she shook. The wolf snickered.

"Stupid little ghost, aren't you." He huffed. Izuku glared up at the wolf and was about to speak, when the wolf moved Uruaraka out of the way with a hand and leaned into izukus face. He sniffed with his eyes closed and moved back alittle.

"Your scent...." He muttered.

"Yo, Bakubro! Already terrorizing our classmates?" A red headed demon with sharp teeth walked over and pulled an arm over bakugous neck in a hug, but also pulling him back from izuku. Ocha glared at them and pulled izuku closer to herself. The wolf let out a possessive growl noise, which shocked everyone in the hallway, even the wolf himself.

The red head recovered.

"Woah Bro, Chill. " He said and moved in front of him and held his hand out.

"Sorry about Bakugou, Im Eijiro Kirishima. And this sourwolf is Katsuki Bakugou. Nice to meet you." Kirishima said as Uraraka paled, well, paled for a ghost.

"A-As in the oldest demon family Kirishima?" She said shakily. Kirishima looked nervous.

"Ahhaha, yeah, but don't worry, im not like my old man or bros, so please don't worry." Kirishima said.

The Kirishima family, one of the oldest and most powerful demon clan known to be in existence. They say the Kirishima clan was around during B.C., and that it was an ancestor whom tempted Adam and Eve. Notorious for treating lower class monsters like dirt, and for collecting human torture devices during the war. A true admiration to any human hating monster.

"Bakubro, be nice." Kirishima scolded Bakugou, whom just growled and flipped him off.

"Wait, B-Bakugou??" Ocha said shocked and moved back with izuku behind her.

The Bakugou family, the inventors of eating human flesh and being the first family to be cursed with lycanthropy. They say it was a witch who cursed them to change during a full moon. They are known to be the most vicious, short tempered and strongest species known. To think that a member of both Kirishima and Bakugou go to Izukus school.

Izuku paled considerably.

If there was one thing the bakugous hate more than humans, it was witches.

The bell finally rang.

"O-Ocha, w-we n-need to g-go." Izuku stuttered, frightened. While Bakugou was distracted by the bell, Ocha snatched Izukus bag from his hands and grabbed Izukus arm and ran towards class A.

"Hey wait!" They heard from behind, but Ocha kept running with Izuku until they entered the classroom. They both fell to their knees, panting, trying to get some air.

"Are you two alright?" a zombie asked, leaning over them worried.

"" Uraraka panted between speaking. After getting their breath back, they went to take a seat, sitting next to eachother, face planting their desks. The zombie who spoke to them was sitting behind izuku.

"You both flew in here like a bat out of-...well, a bat." He said.

"And it is against school regulations to run in the hallways, do be careful next time." He spoke and izuku mentally rolled his eyes.

"I will." He muttered.

"Great. Oh, Im Tenya, Tenya Ida. And you are?" Tenya asked. Izuku turned to him.

"Oh, Im-"

"Deku." He heard from behind, and froze. Urarakas head snapped up quickly as she noticed the werewolf followed them. Izuku looked into the wolfs eyes.

Aw Fuck.

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