~Unexpected Meeting~

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The brown haired woman looked at the eyepiece that she had been working on and let out a tired sigh

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The brown haired woman looked at the eyepiece that she had been working on and let out a tired sigh. She inspected it before giving it a nod of approval.

She was finally done.

She moved onto her next project which was a pair of futuristic boots

She looked over at the photo album that she was looking at. Her ruby eyes trailed to a picture that her old friend Mei had taken.

It was the same day that she met the lazy, purple haired boy that she was sharing an apartment with that day. 


☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

U.A was a big school. Like incredibly big. The first years were surprised at how they managed to figure their ways around so swiftly. And sometimes people had to ask someone for directions. The person that people had to ask was often Hitoshi Shinso, although he looked pretty intimidating and scary to most people. He looked like a living corpse and his hair flew in all directions. Not many people spoke to him and he was happy about that. 

One day when he was walking through the corridors to the school grounds for break, he got the feeling that someone or something was behind him. 

Weird, he thought.

 He carried on walking through the practically empty hallways. Suddenly he heard a pretty loud cry for help. He was confused. 

Is there a villain attacking or something, he thought.


It wasn't.

 In fact, it was something weirder.


'MEIIIII! HEELLLLP!' cried a voice, as it got closer to where Shinso was walking. 

Strange, he thought confused, I don't recognise this voice.

'I'm coming! It seems to work better than I expected! Woo-Hoo!' the voice of Mei Hatsume spoke followed by the sound of someone running

'YoUr. NoT. HeLpInG! ' the voice yelled. It was coming closer.

All of a sudden, he heard the sound of a machine working at top speed and saw a girl yelping as it moved.

'WATCH OOOOUUUUUTTTTTT!' she screamed to him, as soon as she realised he was there and still zooming at top speed.

 Before Shinso could react, the girl did a leap frog over his head. When he looked at her as she jumped over him, he noticed that she had long chocolate brown hair that was sticking out of a cream turban that was wrapped around her head, honey glow brown skin and was wearing these weird, clunky, robotic boots on which seemed to be the thing that made her move so fast. The girl made an abrupt stop just in front of him.

'Oh thank goodness, it's st-OOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAH!' she started, but then the boots suddenly decided that that was the perfect moment to start working again and carried her off her feet, crashing into walls as she went, doing air somersaults. 

That's actually kinda funny, Shinso thought, a lazy smile soon appearing on his face.

'MEIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!' she screamed, tears welling up in her eyes, 'I WANNA GO HOOOOOOME!' 

She turned a few more somersaults before crashing into a nearby wall. Shinso debated on whether or not to help her. 

He chose not to.

 He couldn't be bothered.

Mei Hatsume soon appeared. Out of breath, she stopped to regain her composure. She looked over to see Shinso and a couple of other people staring ahead at what they had just seen. 

'Hey Shinso-Kun! Have you seen a smallish girl with brown skin and my babies on? I need to find her!' She called. Shinso looked over to Mei and internally groaned. 

Great, I have to deal with her now. Fun, he thought depressingly.

'Yes I saw her', he replied, 'She just went ahead and crashed.'

Mei's smile soon turned into an angry frown. She clearly wasn't happy AT all. She stalked up to him, furrowing her eyebrows angrily, internally fuming. Shinso mentally prepared himself for whatever was going to come next.


 She folded her arms, glared at him before her faced softened. 'Honestly, how un-manly!' she added, remembering how Eijiro Kirishima always said that phrase.

 She thought it was quite funny how he used it in almost all his sentences.

'Whatever,' Shinso replied lazily, as he walked away. 

I don't have time for this nonsense. Its not like I will ever have to come across her again.

Little did he know, this was just the start to the long, lasting friendship between him and the girl ...

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