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The small apartment was quiet as a brown haired woman with a cream turban stumbled inside. She had just come home from a long day at work and she was 

e x a u s t e d

She set her bags down and bumped into a box that was next to her.
She let out a surprised yelp and topped over face-first.
 She clicked her tongue in annoyance and attempted to stand up.

'Oi couch-potato!' she yelled over to the male that was lying lazily on the couch watching a compilation of cat videos on his phone,

'Clear these boxes, they're cluttering up the apartment!'

The male only replied with a lazy grunt and his eyes didn't leave his screen

The woman growled softly and gathered up the books that spilt onto the floor. 

One in particular caught her eye.

She opened it and saw a picture of two friends taking a picture at the park.

And another where the same two were at a dance.

And another with the male in the picture giving the female a peck on the cheek.

The woman soon began to smile.

She thought back to when she and the couch potato were just in high school.

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