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Adi turned around in her workshop seat and a grin soon spread across her face.

Her friend Hinata had come to see her.

Hinata was a strange one. She took after her older sister, Tomoko aka Ragdoll, what with their green hair which was fairly long and their wide eyes.

 Their quirks weren't very similar to be honest since Hinata could turn into a cat at will. 

It surprised people when she told them that she was adopted but it did make sense.

After all, they may look similar but their age difference was everything

Hinata skipped into the workshop and tackled her Fijian friend in a hug.

'So,' she started excitedly,

'Hows life with your super cute boyfriend?'

Adi shot her a playful glare.

Hinata giggled.

'You know I'm gay, stop it!'

Adi rested her chin on her palm and smiled.

She had found a photo of her and Hinata at the park with Shinso

She remembered when Hitoshi first met Hinata.


It was Saturday.

The sun was shining and the temperature was just right. Best of all, no school. No more tiring training. The perfect day to sit back and relax.

Hitoshi Shinso decided to spend it going out to a specific park he liked.

As he entered, he plugged in his earpods and listened to some music as he strolled through the park. He looked around at the scenery and inhaled. The atmosphere was calm and collected.

Sitting down, he noticed that a small tabby was rubbing itself against his leg. Smiling a little, Shinso picked up the cat and pet it on its tiny head.

It mewed a little and nuzzled its nose into his chest.
It licked its paw and shook itself.

Shinso laughed a little and stroked its head.

'Your a cute one,' he muttered to himself.

The cat's eyes widened and it said.

'I am, I am cute!'

Shinso was taken aback and the cat jumped out of his arms. It
 was soon surrounded by a thick glittery fog.
When it cleared, Shinso's eyes widened as he saw that the cat had turned into a girl of average height who was smiling widely.

She opened her eyes and held her hand out,

'I'm Hinata, nice ta meet ya!' she greeted in a friendly way.

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