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'And that's why I think that they should come to me!'

 Mei finished her rant to Adi as they cleaned up their workshop.

The brown-haired hijabi girl just hummed in response and stacked the last box on the pile.

Mei noticed this and commented,

'Ya know, you're MUCH taller than u were in high school, you could barely reach anything!'

Adi rolled her eyes and picked up her work bag. Her vivid blue eyes scanned the desk to make sure that nothing was on it.

But there was something.

Curiously, she walked up to it and picked it up.

'Mei,' she called to her friend,

'Is this your drone?'

Mei Hatsume looked at it and nodded.

'This was the model I used when I first started spying on you!'

Adi smiled.

Then made an "Oh yea, I remember" face.

Mei laughed heartily as the two exited the building and were now standing at the bus stop.

'Well, this is where we part!' she announced dramatically.

'Bye, see you tomorrow!'

As Adi walked back home, she started to think about when she was a first-year and noticing Mei's odd behaviour.


Adi hauled her bag onto her back and felt the nagging feeling that someone was following her. She looked to the left and to the right.


The Fijian girl shrugged her shoulders and continued on her journey home. 

She had only been walking for 3 more minutes before she heard the whirring of a machine.

She whipped her head around and saw a head of light pink hair poking out of a bush.

Adi inwardly facepalmed and decided to ignore her immature friend.

It was peaceful for around five more minutes before she heard a shuffling from bushes.

Her eye twitched.
How much more of this could she take?!

Adi hastened her steps and soon was sprinting down the street in hope that her friend would stop following her.

And it worked.

 Mei soon couldn't compete but she didn't give up...whatever she was doing.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

'Hello? Yes imma need backup so, HURRY UP, GEEZ!'


Adi soon came to an abrupt stop and breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked behind her just to make sure no-one was following her.
She broke into a grin and turned around


She hit her head and fell back.

A wall.


'Dang it, stupid wall!' she muttered under her breath, rubbing her forehead.

'You ok?' she heard a deep voice say to her.
Adi looked up so see none other than Hitoshi Shinso staring at her, his hand extended.

Adi took it thankfully and brushed down her skirt.

'Yeah, I'm fine thanks, just-'

'Running away from that mad cap inventor from 1-H?' Shinso finished raising an eyebrow.

Adi nodded tiredly.

Really, what with Mei chasing her every day, quirk training and inventing, it was no surprise that Adi was quite worn out!


Mei stood beside the bush that she was hiding in, tapping her foot impatiently.

Finally, Setsuna Tokage showed up with two ice creams in her hands.

'So sorry i'm late! Look though, I brought us ice creams,'

Mei's annoyed expression soon softened up an she took an ice cream gratefully.
The two girls stood in the school grounds eating their ice creams in silence.

Soon, Mei broke the silence.

'So what are we gonna do about this plan of ours?' she questioned, finishing off the last of her waffle cone.

Setsuna thought for a bit before responding,

'I think we should go ahead, but lets not force anything,'

Mei started to frown.

'But then that means we'll have to throw that part away in the pits of our stupid minds! Its a good point though,'

Setsuna and Mei conferred a little more before each going their separate ways. 

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