Chapter 7

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I woke up to my cuts feeling sore. Now instead of red they were brown and looked older. I slowly got up, feeling numb. I yanked on an old sweatshirt and black leggings before shoving my feet into fuzzy moccasins. I stumbled down the stairs, wiping the sleepiness away from my eyes.

When I got to school, everybody was staring at me and whispering to each other. My hand unconsciously touched my wrist through my sleeve and I winced. If only they knew the pain they put me through. I went to my locker. Even after hours of scrubbing, the red marker barely went away. Ignoring the cruel message, I opened my locker and grabbed my English textbook. I was heading to the quad to study when I group of boys cornered me.

"Hey loser," Jack sneered. I backed up, bumping into Nick.

"Hey, watch it, moron!" Nick snapped, shoving me forward, into Alex.

"Damn! Look at her ass in those leggings!" Jack laughed.

"I think the loser has some potential!" Alex snorted. I righted myself and crossed my arms across my chest, preventing the guys any access to my breasts. Then I felt a hand squeeze my butt. I whipped around and found Nick laughing. I pushed my way out of their group.

"Hey, we were just teasing!" Alex called after me.

"Yeah, no guy would want a girl who's as ugly as you!" Jack added. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I fucking lost it.

"You know what? Yeah, I may not be your typical girl but I have feelings you know! So go spread your hate somewhere else," I growled. I found myself facing James, one of the most popular guys at school.

"Um, no I was just, um wondering if you're free Saturday? I'm having a party and I want to invite um you?" James said, ending his statement with a question mark. I played the scenarios in my head. I could say yes or say no. I decided on yes. This was probably the only party I'd be invited to in a long time.

"Sure James. Thanks," I said smiling. James nodded and walked off. As I was walking past some girls, one bumped her shoulder into me. I whirled around.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hissed. Kayla snorted.

"The only reason James invited you was so there could be a laughing stock at his party," Marsha explained.

"Oh, get over yourselves. You're just jealous because he fücking talked to me," I retorted before marching off.

Saturday arrived and I spent the entire day getting ready. For the first time in a while, I took a shower and tried rinsing off the awfulness of the week. Once I got out I did my makeup and chose on wearing a floral crop top, high waisted shorts, and an oversized cardigan. I brushed my hair and left a note for my parents saying where I'd be before leaving the house.

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