Chapter 13

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Robotnik flew his ship right out of the sand tornado, right at Sonic and aiming his laser gun at the speedy Faunus. Sonic threw a ring portal, this time one to Green Hills.

Sonic was getting closer and closer to the portal as Robotnik pulled the trigger.

The laser shot was about to hit Sonic until it hit part of the mountain right below Sonic's feet, propelling him forward and through the portal.

Sonic came flying out of the ring portal and landed hard on the road, six other colored emeralds landing next to him out of the ring bag, the bag itself still holding rings in it landing by the sidewalk. Jaune and Ruby got there just as Robotnik's Bullhead came through the ring portal and his laughter was heard.

The cockpit on the Bullhead opened as Robotnik said to the nearly passed out Faunus, "You're an astonishing little creature. It'll be fun to take you back to the lab for a litinay of invasive exploratory procedures."

Jaune saw the ring back and quickly picked it up, secretly pulling out a ring.

"Any last words?" Robotnik asked, taunting

"" Sonic mutters before passing out

Robotnik popped his neck, not noticing Jaune hopping through a ring portal and onto the back of Robotnik's Bullhead as Robotnik stated, "I can't begin to tell you how many breakthroughs have been made possible by animal and Faunus testing. You're being very selfish."

"Going my way?" Jaune asked

"WHAT THE---?!?!?!?!??" Robotnik starts, having not noticed Jaune until now

Before Robotnik could finish what he was saying, Jaune decked Robotnik in the face. Jaune and Robotnik were decking it out in Robotnik's Bullhead

"Who the HELL do you think you are?!?!?" Robotnik asks as he held Jaune against the front of his Bullhead

Jaune then punched Robotnik in the face and held him over the side.

"I'm the Doughnut Lord, you son of a-" Jaune started before Robotnik elbowed Jaune in the gut

Robotnik then got to the controls and shook Jaune out of the Bullhead, Ruby ran over to Jaune's aid. This whole time though, Sonic was still on the ground.

"Why would you throw your life away for this.....thing?!???!?!??" Robotnik questioned, gesturing to Sonic. "That's why I don't have friends. Next thing you know, you're somebody's best man, they wanna have the wedding out of town, like nobody has ANYTHING BETTER TO DO!!"

Jaune tries to stand up, but has a bit of trouble due to being a little sore from the fall from Robotnik's ship.

"Anyways, where were we?" Robotnik asked in a rhetorical manner. "Oh, yes, you were about to die."

Just then, a bullet ht the side of the ship, causing Robotnik, Jaune, and Ruby to look over and see Nora, standing there with Ren who had arrived a few minutes before Robotnik came through the portal to Green Hills, Ren holding his weapons and having been the one who shot at the ship.

"That's our sheriff and former team leader you're messing with." Nora said, ready to pull out her hammer

Ruby looked back at Sonic, shook June's shoulder and simply said, "Jaune...."

Jaune looks back at Sonic, really wanting him to get back up, but doubting he will.

"I don't mean to be indelicate here but.......someone should get some ice...keep the body fresh." Robotnik states

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