Chapter 15

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Now, after a few days of living in Green Hills, Sonic had made quite a name for himself, dealing with low level crooks like gas station robbers, muggers, and various other things. He was doing decent in home schooling, and one day, he was sitting on the couch, watching  TV with Ruby, Zwei passed out next to the two of them.

"Hey, Flower remind me a lot of Longclaw." Sonic says randomly

"Who's Longclaw?" Ruby asked curiously

"She's the one who gave me my rings and these 7 emeralds I still don't know why they helped me the way they did against Eggman." Sonic started. "When I was younger, she looked after me. She taught me so much."

Sonic has short flashbacks of when he last saw Longclaw.

"She first sent me to  Vale 10 years ago to keep me safe....I haven't seen her in so long." Sonic says, shedding a tear and slowly sparking with electrical energy again. "I miss her."

Ruby wiped the tears away and the motherly energy Ruby gave off managed to calm down Sonic enough to stop him from setting off another large EMP.

"You never know, Sonic, you may get to see her again one day." Ruby states with a smile. "I bet you she''s out there looking for you right now."

Sonic hugged Ruby tightly much like someone would hug their mother when upset.

Meanwhile, back on Sonic's home island. a young teen, roughly a couple years younger than Sonic, who had the ability to fly due to having a special artificial set of robotic tails he built himself, was flying around.

the boy wore an orange jacket with white fluff on it. a yellow shirt, the robotic tails being painted orange with white tips amd textured to look and move like a real pair of tails, he also had on black shorts, a pair of goggles(different from Robotnik's), red shorts, and red shoes with small white straps. His eyes were a light shade of blue. His name was Miles Prower.

 His name was Miles Prower

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A.N: Once again, the artist of the chosen design has their signature in the picture. I do not own the art.

He flew up to Longclaw who had a bandage where the arrow from 10 years ago had hit, and handed her a flower saying, "Longclaw, I got you something!"

"Thanks, Miles." Longclaw replied, holding the flower. "It's a beautiful flower. Miles, have I ever told you that you remind me of another child I once knew?"

"Hmm? Who is it?" Miles asked

"He was a young orphan, much like you. His Semblance allowed for him to store electrical energy in his quills and the electricity had been composed of Chaos Energy like what I have never seen." Longclaw said, looking at the flower. "Ten years ago, I had to send him to one of the four main kingdoms of Remnant to keep him safe. With him, I gave him a bag of rings like the oe I gave you but with his rings, I gave him 7 sacred gems known as the Chaos Emeralds. Sometimes....I wonder how his life in that kingdom I sent him to is treating him." the motherly Owl Faunus added. "I hope......that he is okay."

Miles then got to thinking before pulling out a device he had made tat can track all sorts of energy, even a person's aura.

"What if I go find him?" Miles proposed. "I'll use my device to track his chaos energy and aura, and then I can find him to tell him you miss him!"

Longclaw looked surprised by the fact Miles was so quick to think of an idea, but was glad.

"Oh,'ve become so brave since I first met you." Longclaw said. "I have faith in your skill."

"Thanks." Miles replied, smiling

"Promise me you'll come back safe." Longclaw said, hugging him gently

"I'll do my best, mother Longclaw." Miles comments, this being the first time Longclaw heard him call her that since the week after she first found him

RWBY: Blue Blurr!!!

But wait!! There's more!

On the mushroom planet, Robotnik had grown a large mustache. He was shaving his head as he looked at his reflection in some dirty water.

"My grasp on sanity remains.....absolute." Robotnik said

Robotnik then turns to a rock that has grown moss and looks like Agent Stone's face and said, "Isn't that right, Agent Stone?"

Robotnik then turns to a rock that has grown moss and looks like Agent Stone's face and said, "Isn't that right, Agent Stone?"

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Robotnik picked up the rock and said, "Why don't you get a head start."

Robotnik then threw the rock as hard as he could.

"Do some ROCKconnisance!" Robotnik said as he chuckled a little. "ROCKconnisance. Come on, that's hilarious! What's the matter with you?" he added as he slapped one of the nearby mushrooms

He picked up the screen strap he had set on the ground and put it on his wrist.

"Here's the sitch: Un-inhabited planet." Robotnik started

He then put on the metal chunk he was using as a carrying bag that had a few bagged things on it.

"No resources, no supplies. No apparent way home." Robotnik added

Robotnik scoffed a little.

"A lesser man would die here." he stated as he pulled up the canister still with Sonic's quill in it. "I'll be home by Christmas."

Robotnik then lowered his goggles and started walking and made robotic noises while he walked. He came to a stop by where the rock he threw earlier and he picked up the rock and threw it again, us now being able to see his robotic arm was rusted a little. This time, it got over to the next giant mushroom.

"ROCKCONNISANCE!!!" Robotnik shouted as he laughed more. "Come on, cheer up."

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