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Yang Jeongin

Her perfect brown hair that reaches the middle of her torso. To her perfect features on her face. To the pretty clothes that hugs her body.

That's right...Cho Miyeon.

The most popular girl in my grade and the most wanted girl by guys in the school.

I just hope one day I get to be by her side, not only as a classmate but as her boyfriend. But I don't see that day happening anytime soon.

Why? Here's why.

"Uhh h-hi Miyeon." I finally took the courage to talk to her. Maybe now wasn't the right time.

She stopped talking to her friend to look at me. She smiled but was also confused at the same time.

"Hi. Who are you again?" Miyeon asks.

"Oh. Uhh I'm- I'm...uh." I didn't know why I blanked out. I had all my words prepared but nothing came out.

"I'm sorry but we have to get going." Soyeon, Miyeon's friend said.

"It was nice talking to you...I think." Miyeon muttered that last part under her breath. I'm sure she didn't want me to hear that but I still did.

I sighed as she left, leaving me by myself again. "Great. I blew it again."

"Hey bro. What are you doing here?" Jisung said as he slung his arm around my neck.

"Attempting to talk to his crush." Felix said, standing next to me.

"Again." He added.

Jisung snickered. "Hey you'll get there."

"Yeah don't give up." Felix said, playfully punching my arm. "Thanks but can we not talk about this right now?" I frowned.

"Let's say we go. The other guys must be waiting in the cafeteria." I nodded as I changed the subject so that my friends won't make anymore comments about my non-existent love life.


"Wait Jeongin. Are you seriously still trying to talk to Miyeon?" Chan asked.

Never mind.

"You've been trying to do that for the past weeks and you've gotten no where so far." He said.

I just purse my lips, mindlessly stabbing my lunch as I think back to my failed times.

Then Jisung swung his arm around my neck, catching me off guard. "Hey, lay off the poor boy. I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

"I think all you need more of is confidence Innie. You're just too shy." Hyunjin swept back his hair as he continued to eat his lunch.

"Really?" I softly asked.

Okay maybe they're right. I haven't really talk to a girl before, maybe in class and for projects but never an actual conversation.

"Why don't you come join us after school? After all these years, we're finally going to Minho's house." Seungmin said.

"You guys know I don't want you guys messing up my house but yes the time has come. And don't worry about the whole girl thing. Take your mind off it, don't overthink it." Minho nodded towards me.

I nodded, letting Minho's advice flow through my thoughts. "Okay."


Bell ring.

It was after school and as I was putting my textbooks away in my locker I see Miyeon and Soyeon again as they walked past me going down the hall.

Okay maybe the guys are right. Confidence is what I need.

I closed my locker with hope in mind and started to follow the girls outside the building.

"Miyeon." I managed to call out.

They both stopped near the bottom of the staircase and waited for me to speak again.

Yet again, words were prepared in my head but nothing came out. ""

Soyeon let out a scoff.

"We don't have time for this. Come on Miyeon." She hooked arms with the girl as Miyeon let out a 'bye' before they walked away.

I stood there, cursing in my head at why I didn't say anything.

Just then I hear a loud chuckle from behind me. Knowing that it wasn't my business, I was still curious. I then turn around to be faced with a girl standing at the top of the stairs.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I just couldn't help it, that was pretty lame." She said as she leaned on the railing, in like a cool way.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "E-excuse me?"

"I mean. You talking to a girl like that? Pretty lame." She snickered. She starts making her way towards me, taking her time with each step.

I was still confused.

Not only at what the girl said but who this girl is.

"Who are you?" I asked. I was surprised I didn't stutter but I didn't want to show her that I was. This is like the longest conversation I've ever had with a girl and for the first time I didn't stutter nor am I stumbling my words.

The girl then stops right in front of me. "You've never heard of me?" She confusingly asked.

I just shake my head. "Hm I'm surprised." She said.

Wait now I see.

The dark clothing. That well-known smirk on her face. And the way she speaks. I gasp. "You're Lee Y/n."

I see that her eyes lit up. "Ahh there it is. Now that we've have established my identity, let's get back to you Yang Jeongin."

Lee Y/n, if you didn't know, she's like the school's 'mole'. She can easily move in and out of a crowded room and she basically knows a lot of things about anyone in school.

She slowly walked in circles around me as she holds her hands in a thinking position. "Jeongin, the shy, hopeless romantic. Now I don't see how a guy like you can talk to a girl like Miyeon."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

She then stops right in front if me once again. "She seems to have more experience than you." Y/n said. "If you want to ask her out, you're gonna have to get on her level." She added.

I  gulped. "L-level?"

"Yeah, level. You see, you're just an innocent guy and she has been with more people than you have letters in your name."

"So why are you telling me this?" I confusingly ask.

She innocently looks at me with a smile on her face, "Because I want to help you." She said.


Innocent |Yang Jeongin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now