Chapter 15

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Do you know why your here a cop asked her

Nope she said leaning back

Really he asked interwinding his fingers

Yup she said popping the 'p' with a straight face

Hm he hummed nodding

So a old lady called saying you were screaming at kids pulled out a weapon he said

No the fuck I didn't you checked me over that bitch was yelling at me and my home boys she said then cringing at home boys but didn't show it he laughed leaning forward

And I'm supposed to believe that he asked

Guess not cause I'm black wouldn't expect you to cause your white and well racist cause you think just because I'm black I'll have a piece or drugs she said leaning forward interwinding her fingers slapped her she chuckled looking at him slowly she cracked a smile shocking him "what you thought that hurt me? It didn't" she shrugged he got up pissed walking out leaving her by herself she huffed leaning back in her chair she looked at her hands still in cuffs she shook her head grabbing her water bottle drinking some of it she mumbled a song waiting two officers came in grabbing her taking her to a cell as they pushed her in she shook her head

Stupid bitches she said she turned around seeing she was in a cell with three guys "Really is it because I look like a guy or some shit?"

Nope you act like you big and bad so boss told me to put you in here the guy said locking the cell

Tell your boss I said to go to hell I'm sure I'll see him there she said one of the guys chuckled she leaned on the wall pissed mean mugging the wall

Fuck OFF she heard it was familiar she looked seeing a guy holding Jake in cuffs

Jake she hissed as he pushed him in he smiled at her "You fucking idiot" she shook her head he looked at the guys then at her

Guys are trying to come up with your bail money and I can pay for mine he said she shook her head

What'd you do to get in her she asked he chuckled

Don't need to worry about it he said she rolled her eyes

Who's taking care of Maggie she asked

Kat and Xepher he said she nodded

They made my mug shot look sexy at least she said

What he asked laughing she cracked a smile as the other guys laughed

I didn't stu- stu- stutter she said he shook his head kissing her head

The fans are going CRAZY he said

Fuck she said he nodded

Get some rest he said sitting down on the bench she sat next to him spreading out laying her head on his lap


Miller and Webber sadly you got bailed out the officer from yesterday she got up holding Jake's hand they took them to a room to get changed back into there regular clothes they walked out seeing lots of people cheering as they walked out she looked at Jake he looked at her grinning they ran out together

You guys okay Brennen asked everyone was there they nodded

What happened Colby asked pointing at the still red mark from the cop that slapped her

It's nothin she said

Got your baby Brennen said she smiled running to her car Jake and Brennen following they got in the car she smiled kissing her hand placing it on the wheel

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