Chapter 26

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I'm so ecited so ecited Sky said copying Kevin Hart the guys chuckled as she grabbed her clothes running to the bathroom weirdly she sat her clothes down stripping to her underwear and bra putting her clothes on

She put on her red Nike muscle T the logo black she walked out going to her suit case taking her all red Nike's she smiled big putting them on and didn't have to tie them she got up slipping her phone in her pocket

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She put on her red Nike muscle T the logo black she walked out going to her suit case taking her all red Nike's she smiled big putting them on and didn't have to tie them she got up slipping her phone in her pocket

Less go she said pushing Elton and Corey

I don't have my boot on she yelled to the camera as she was sitting next to Elton on the four wheeler he shook his head as the guys chuckled "Fuck off you wanna carry ten pounds on just one foot" she looked at Corey and Corbin the only ones laughing they stopped making Elton laugh she snatched the panda from Corey cuddling it

JeSuS he said she rolled her eyes and they got on their own four wheelers

I WANNA DRIVE IT Sky yelled at Corey

I DO TO he yelled back they then fake fought Elton laughed as he recorded them "OKAYY" she giggled getting on

I can drive half way then you can drive the rest she said

Aw really he asked she nodded he wrapped his arms around her waist as she started slow waiting for the boys but then went fast

SLOW DOWN Corey yelled holding the go pro she giggled she bit her lip as they took a turn she made it sharp making him yell she giggled and pulled over

Was you scared she asked him with a pouty lip

NnNnNnNoOoOoO he said switching her spots she laughed wrapping her arms around his waist holding the go pro with one hand

Was that fun he asked as he stopped it she nodded "What's poking me" she got off quickly before the two laughed

HARDCORE Corey, Sky and Corbin yelled at the camera the three were on a team and so far Sky was doing the best at Frisbee

So what happened Corey asked as him and Corbin were sitting behind Sky

Welp you guys win so I guess were sitting in this wagon and let you pull us around while eating watermelon Elton said as him and Brandon had watermelon she jumped down running to Elton leaning over him taking a big bite out of his watermelon running back to her spot starting the four wheeler

I'll start slow..... ish she said "Hold on Corbin and Corey" she then started driving after a bit she stopped

I deep throated the watermelon Elton said

Was that before or after I started driving she asked he grinned before deep throating the watermelon again

ElToN wHy Sky and Corbin yelled

Well this means we have to go ten times faster she said starting it again before the guys could say anything she sped up faster and faster by the second

OH MY GOD Corbin and Corey yelled holding on for dear life she laughed soon stopping

Fire range Oh HeLl YeAh Sky said the guys looked at each other

Uh oh they said before laughing they put ear muffs on she was first up she pointed her gun at the things they launched off she shot getting it on the first try the guy cheered her on

First try he yelled

Ooh can I try this one she asked holding up a big one

Sure the guy said making her smile more she knew how to use it she put her ear muffs on

Ready she asked the guys with a big smile they had there phones out they nodded she turned back aiming at the target shooting many times getting it every time she lowered the gun they were all smiling

Sending that to Jake warn him NOT to cheat Corbin said as he sent it Corey smacked his lips nodding pointing at him

Like da way you think girl he said in a girl voice Sky laughed shaking her head after blowing things up they headed back to the hotel

I'm bored Sky said from the bed

I'm sorry Elton said from the other bed on his laptop she rolled her eyes getting on her laptop watching YouTube she huffed closing her laptop

I'm bored she said sliding off the bed hitting the floor with a thud Elton laughed

I recorded that he laughed she rose her hand flipping him off

Can we get food she asked rolling onto her back

I don't know can we Elton asked

Ima fuck you up she said sitting up looking at him he was still recording she got up grabbing her phone "Anyone want anything?"

Yes please Elton said looking through his phone at her she looked at him looking him up and down making a face

So anyone want anything she asked again Elton and the guys laughed

I'll come Corey said she nodded Elton followed them as they held hands skipping down the halls giggling Corbin ran after them going with

Shit she said bending over trying to catch her breath Corey and Corbin laughed weakly as they tried catching there breath they walked to the nearest gas station once they walked in people's eyes all went to them

Hola fuck you lookin at she said Corbin shook his head as Corey chuckled they walked around getting as much junk food

Oh my god they have IcE cReAm Sky said opening the freezer Corbin and Corey laughed holding arm fulls of junk food she grabbed a couple tubs of ice cream and they walked to the front

Can we get drinks Corbin asked her she looked at him then Corey they had pouty faces she sighed

I gUeEs she said they high fived each other "Get me a Dr. Pepper" they nodded running away

I'm guessing your the mom of the friend group the guy said as he swiped their items she nodded laughing

I got 'em Corbin yelled running to her Corey chasing after him he tripped falling he sat holding his knee she slapped her forehead

Corey get your ass up your twenty fucking five she hissed Corbin sucked his cheeks in raising his brows looking at Corey then Sky then back at him

Sorry he said getting up

You are embarrassing she whisper yelled to him he smiled as she glared at him

56.99 the guy said she took her card out putting it in the thing once it beeped she took it out

Grab the fucking bags she told the boys grabbing there pops

Yes ma'am they said she shook her head holding the door open as they walked out she cursed under her breath as she forgot her phone going back in grabbing it off the counter the guy chuckled

Have fun with them he said sending her a wink she nodded

Sure will she said walking away

Where'd you go Corbin asked

I forgot my phone she said slipping it into her pocket he nodded and they walked back to the hotel

You guys like a threesome a guy asked the boys stepped back knowing she was gonna go off on him knowing if they tried to stop her she would go off on them next after she yelled at him for about ten minutes they began walking back to the hotel her pissed off still she kicked the door open scaring Elton and Brandon

The fuck is wrong with you Elton asked she looked at him pissed Elton looked at Corey and Corbin they shook there heads telling him to not go on he gave them a tiny nod she put everything away grabbing her chocolate ice cream and a spoon jumping on her bed eating ice cream while watching Netflix on her laptop Corey and Corbin explained to Brandon and Elton why she was pissed

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