Chapter 30

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Mommy I'm hungry Maggie yelled coming out of her room with Sam and Kat sliding down the stairs Kat and followed behind sliding down with her while Sam chuckled

Kat can you get her some food Sam asked her seeing Daniel she looked at the door seeing him her smile fell to a angry face

Mhm she hummed holding Maggie's hand glaring at him as she walked to the kitchen

The hell do you want Sam asked

Aw look at your little body guards cute Daniel said

Aw look at your pathetic ass begging to be with me she said copying his voice tone the guys shared chuckles

Can I see her he asked

Who she asked



Maggie my daughter he said

Ah ah ah okay so right there your wrong like VERY wrong she said

Very the guys said making her laugh

She's my daughter she said

She is mine to he said

You lost that privilege she said slamming the door shut she closed her eyes

Good job Colby said the guys all patted her back Sam turned her around to face them

He will never be near her he said the guys nodded and all hugged her

Stay strong for her Corey said she nodded walking to the kitchen

Mommy who was that she asked

Old..... friend she said she nodded she kissed her head going into Colby's cabinet

WHAT ARE YOU DOING Colby yelled making her jump she closed the cabinet looking at him

Pft nothing she said

Liar you were in my cabinet he said pointing at her she shook her head

I-I-I don't know what your talking about she said he shook his head playfully glaring at her she ran off making him run after she screamed as he tackled her they laughed she pushed him off her he rolled onto his back the two just laid there laughing

You good Corey laughed they nodded he put his hands out they each grabbed one and he pulled them up

Hey you got a present Sam yelled to Sky she walked out seeing Jay she squealed running to him jumping in his arms he laughed stumbling back a bit

I missed you bubbas she squealed he chuckled holding her she looked seeing another girl she let go walking to her

Sky Jay said she squinted walking in a circle around her

You two dating she asked

Y-y- yes she stuttered she stopped squinting at her then looked at Jay then her

Name she asked

M-M-Michelle she stuttered again

Sam Colby said with his arms crossed if they ever wanted to say her full name they said Sam cause that was her initials Skylar Ann Miller she looked at him

What she asked he gave her a look she rolled her eyes "You a virgin"

SKY the guys yelled

Y-Y-Yes she stuttered

Good keep it that way she said walking to Jay she sent him a wink as he shook his head

JAY JAY Maggie yelled running to him he smiled

Hi princess he said picking her up he kissed her cheek

Can we go to the park and bring cousin Hailey she asked Sky gave her a look Jay looked at her then Maggie

Tomorrow mommy doesn't look so happy about the idea he said

She is never happy she said Sky scoffed

Lair she said

Well she is always happy when she's with Uncle Sam and Colby and them and Aunt Kat and Xepher and daddy she said Jay chuckled

You talk to much come on bed she said

But it's only 7 she said

Yeah your bedtime she said she groaned hugging Jay then going to Sky she took her to her room getting her in her PJ's and then laid her down she kissed her head

Love you she said

Love you to mommy she said as she walked out she left the door cracked walking downstairs

Here Jay said tossing her a white claw she pointed at him smiling he laughed

What's up motherfuckers Brennen yelled

BRENNEN Sky yelled running out she tackled him in a hug

Jesus he laughed

I missed my drinking buddy she said

Sh he hushed her she laughed getting up they walked into the kitchen

Yo let's shot gun one she said to Brennen holding her unopened white claw he nodded grabbing one the guys got out there phones she gabbed a knife stabbing a whole she covered it waiting for Brennen

3 2 1 GO Sam yelled she putt it to her mouth opening it with in a couple seconds she put it down she put her hands up letting out a loud long burp a couple seconds later Brennen was done

What the fuck he whined laughing she danced around

Fucking looser she yelled at Brennen he pouted

Colby he whined making her laugh Colby hugged him as he fake cried she kept laughing she ran away to her room putting on her swim suit on running out she ran out the back jumping into the pool the guys laughed as she came back up looking like the girl off the ring she flipped her hair over

Get in looser she said they all looked at each other before taking the things out of there shorts jumping in Michelle just watched laughing Sky got out running to the steps she climbed up the rock going to the highest

Do a back flip Brennen yelled she nodded turning around she did a back flip landing perfectly in the water she came back up everyone was cheering she laughed hooking her phone up to the speakers turning music on

YEAH Brennen yelled along with Colby she jumped back in they all talk singing along

Yo I'm heading to bed Sky said bro hugging them all

Alright ima head home Brennen said she nodded

Blankets and pillows are already on the couch Sky told Jay he nodded hugging her she walked inside heading to her room Jake wasn't anywhere to be found she shrugged her shoulders grabbing clothes and going to the bathroom to shower she turned both the shower heads on standing under the one that is straight down other than the other one she washed her hair and body once she was done she dried off and put on her bra underwear and basketball shorts she walked out as she put her hair up getting in bed and going to sleep

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