Chapter 32

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You want to listen to sad music Colby asked her she nodded he chuckled gabbing his phone playing music once the music shuffled she cried more "I'm gonna get us a drink" she nodded rolling onto her back looking at the celling as tears fell from her eyes the camera covered up recording them but now her she sat up hugging her legs

What did I do so wrong she asked through tears

Yo she is a wreck Colby said walking into Jake's room holding two white claws

I wonder why Jay asked looking at Corey

Worst prank ever legit Colby said Sam nodded "Well I gotta deliver some alcohol to Sky see ya" he walked out going back to his room he walked into her hugging her legs crying uncontrollably he sighed setting the white claws down he sat next to her

What did I do she asked him he sighed pulling her into a tight hug she held hand fulls of his shirt crying into his chest

You guys are idiots Kat gritted through her teeth hitting both Corey and Jake

He dared me to Jake said she shook her head

She's gonna beat the fuck out of you she pointed at Corey

Yes I'm aware he said she held a thumbs up walking out

Should we tell her about the prank Colby is gonna play on her Corey said

What prank Jake asked

He never told you he asked he shook his head

The hell is he gonna do he asked again he dragged his finger across his throat letting his head hang to the side like he was dead "For fuck sake"

Yeah she is gonna be even more pissed Corey said

He did that to me Sam said Corey nodded

Ya'll are really dumb Jay said they all nodded

Hey Kat said walking into the room once she saw how much a mess Sky was she felt heartbroken knowing if her and Sam were to ever brake up she'd be like that to she sat next to her and shook her head seeing her holding a white claw

Come on let's go for a ride Colby said she nodded getting up she went to his closet stealing a hoodie she slipped it on

See ya Kat said hugging her they walked out going downstairs walking out

Here Colby said handing her the aux cord it was about nine o'clock she plugged it in

Where we going she asked as he went down a alley

Short cuts he said she nodded the car stopped

The fuck she asked

Stupid car he said getting out she got out with him "How do you open this" he said trying to open the hood she chuckled he then got it "I feel stupid" the two chuckled before something was put over her head Colby yelled getting dragged away

COLBY she screamed another person grabbed her legs duck taping them as she called out for Colby she was lifted up and stuffed in the truck of a car and in sped away after twenty minutes or so she was in a chair her legs and hands taped the pillow case was snatched off her head she looked around scared tears falling from her eyes Colby was on his knees the guy walked up to her holding what looked like a gun

What do you want from us she yelled tears falling he walked to Colby taking the case off he pointed the gun at Colby's head "Colby your going to be okay I promise. What do you want from us we're just kids from Kansas-" she was cut off as Colby's body fell to the ground "NO" she screamed at the top of her lungs moving in the chair trying to get out she tipped the chair making her fall on the floor next to him she tried to move him with her head but he didn't move she put her head next to his crying hard "I'm so sorry" she cried closing her eyes the guy lifted her chair up as she kept crying she looked away from him crying wiggling in her chair

Sky Sky Colby said

Get away from me she yelled thinking it was the guy she looked seeing Colby she wiggled more he smiled cutting her loose

DON'T DO THAT AGAIN she yelled crying and hugging him she hugged him tight crying

It was a prank I'm sorry he said hugging her tearing up a bit


Sky Jake said walking into the kitchen with his camera she looked at him her eyes were bloodshot and puffy

Yeah she asked playing with her food

Just wanted to say GOTCHA he yelled she stopped looking at him

FuCk YoU who's idea was it she asked slightly happier

COREY he yelled her jaw fell open

Yo- AH he screamed running away as Sky bolted after him Jake followed she tackled him into the pool

You bitch she said pushing him under once he came up he screamed

i'M sOrRy he yelled

Good she yelled back pushing him under Jake and the guys laughed filming she got out of the pool her clothes soaking wet "MY PHONE" she pulled her phone out of her pocket she sighed remembering her phone was water proof it turned on showing the picture of Her Jake and Maggie

Aw Sam said looking at her lock screen

What Colby asked

Her lock screen he said Colby peeked over the three were dressed up Sky SpongeBob and Jake Patrick and Maggie Plankton

Oh my god cuteness over load look at Maggie she's a adorable villain Colby said Sam nodded

Let me see Corey said coming out of the pool sopping wet he hovered over Colby's shoulder "Aw"

Your getting me wet Colby said

Oh am I he asked with a purvey smile

Yas daddy he said Sky broke there moment laughing making the guys laugh

You got my hoodie wet to Colby whined to Sky she pushed his face

It's dryable she said he pouted she poked his nose "Grow up sport" the guys all chuckled she took the hoodie off leaving her in shorts and a bra she looked at Corey pushing him back in

Well I gotta go edit this Jake said holding his camera up

I'm going to shower deuces Sky said walking off Jake following behind as they made it to there room she took her shorts off as she walked to the bathroom she peeped out of the bathroom smiling at Jake he looked at her then his computer then her

Fans can wait he said walking to her taking his shirt off she giggled

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