Chapter 34

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What happened Elton asked sticking the camera in her face

I done broke my ankle and my arm she said holding her left arm up with the cast

You okay he asked she smiled

Come on Elty when am I EVER okay she asked

Oh.. well.. damn he said walking away she laughed

Let me sigh it Corey said running to her with a marker she chuckled he signed her arm cast

"Pizza roll buddy was here" it read she chuckled

MY TURN Brandon yelled snatching the marker from his hand

"Broken ankle buddy was here" she read she laughed again

MY TURN Corbin yelled

"Parkour buddy was here" she laughed

My TuRn Elton yelled running to her in a girly way she scrunched up her nose

"Prank buddy was here" she rolled her eyes as he laughed

Okay so you guys know what the race is right Elton asked everyone nodded and they started Sky got on the four wheeler with Brandon she held onto his waist as they drove to the spot they were supposed to wait at

Let me drive Sky said

You have a broken arm he said she looked side to side

Do you see where the fucks I give she asked he laughed she got off bouncing on her one foot he scooted back and helped her on

I see them Corey said Chaz got off tagging them Sky drove off going on the trail

Oh shit oh shit Sky said as they almost got stuck once they got back she held her hand out to her other teammate high fiving him he started she wiggled her fingers as her wrist started to hurt she went to the donuts and grabbed them

Your hungry your hungry Chaz yelled at her as she ate the two donuts she laughed as Chaz poured water in her mouth she cheered as they were in the lead

FUCK she yelled as the red team won the guys all laughed at her rage moment

It's alright at least you got two free donuts Chaz said she laughed

Take Elton said handing her two pills she looked at the pills then him then the pills then back at him she squinted her eyes

I have a feeling like your trying to kill me she said making him laugh

It's your pain killers he said

No man she said

Take he said

That shit makes me high as a motherfucker she said turning away from him

High? Kyler asked walking to them she spat out her water laughing and choking at the same time


She wants to get tazed Elton yelled out Sky nodded

Which are Kyler asked she shrugged three of the guys Franko Kyler and Elton all tazed her she didn't move

She takin it like a champ Elton said

It just feels like a pinch she said

I'm trying that Sky yelled up to the guys

NO they yelled

FUCK YOU she yelled back she got on the trampoline

Stop Elton yelled she flipped him off throwing her crutches down she started with a small ump and jumped big letting herself fall back then walked u the wall and let herself fall she walked it again landing on the couch she smiled looking at Elton

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