Chapter 50

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Sky it's your turn with the aux Corey said she smiled plugging it into her phone

NOW WE'RE IN THE BACKSEAT OF THE BLACK CAR GOIN HOME WHEN SHE ASK ME IS IT WRONG IF I COME UP WITH YOU Sky yelled singing along the guys were all laughing as Corbin was recording "I swear to god I never fall in love I never fall in love but I can't get enough of it" she sang pointing at the camera

Send that to Jake Corey laughed

NO Sky yelled she then shushed them when Blackbear started singing "First off I'm not sorry I wanna apologize to nobody you play like I'm invisible girl don't act like you ain't saw me" the guys all cheered as it got to the part where they loved hearing her sing at "But now shit's done changed go our separate ways" they all got louder making her laugh

That's my sister Corey yelled at the camera she laughed harder

We look NOTHING alike she said

SSSHHH shut up he said

"Notice her MGK" Corbin captioned posting it her phone dinged she looked seeing she was tagged in Corbin's post she looked at him then her phone then back at him she opened her phone seeing the video of her singing and the caption she laughed

CORBIN she yelled hitting his arm

WHAAT he yelled back holding his arm she laughed leaning her head on his shoulder and sitting back up

Elty I have to pee she said

Can you wait like ten minutes he asked she nodded paying Habits by MGK "Everyone go pee" Sky pushed Brandon running in to pee


Yeah we're filming right now Sky said into the phone watching the guys talk

Sky's here she's on the phone so Elton said pointing at where she was

So did you get to talk to any spirits Jake asked

When we were in that cemetery a ghost demon who knows something took some of my energy to be honest it was fucking cool she said smiling Jake laughed

WE MISS YOU Colby yelled making Sky chuckle

Can't say the same she said Colby gasped "Kidding" she laughed

Come on there gonna sell out on all there chickie nuggies Maggie whined Jake laughed

I gotta go I love you he said

Love you to she said he hung up she put her phone in her pocket walking in the camera view

So what your telling me you got chased out by Tinkerbell Sky asked Josh everyone laughed

Bro honestly it sounds stupid but if I see it I'm running Josh said

Well I'm black running is one of my hobbies Sky said the guys all laughed

Skylar I see a gap Elton said she laughed backing up

Ready she asked Evan nodded she sprinted forward and jumped making the jump "Your turn Corbino" he huffed backing up farther then her than ran jumping the gap and ran the other way trying to slow down but got his shoes wet she scrunched up her nose

What was that Corey asked

That was a fucking growl Sky said Corey nodded she looked at the guys

Why are you smiling Brandon asked her

It's something she does when she's nervous Elton said

IS ANYONE OUT HERE Brandon yelled Sky was hiding it was a little skit

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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