Chapter 40

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Hello Sky called out there was nothing she looked at the guys closing the door she walked to Hailey's room she rushed to her "What's wrong"

Dad he he hit me she cried Sky stood up kicking her foot up her slide flying up she grabbed it walking out

JAMES LUTHER MILLER she yelled walking to him he looked at her just in time she beat him with her slide

OW OW OW he yelled as he fell to the floor as she still beat him with her shoe


Cause I came out she cried pissing her off more she kicked her other foot up her other slide coming off she caught it hitting him with both

Fuck it she said flinging her shoes slapping the piss out of him

DAMN the guys all said backing up

YOU CROSSED THE LINE she yelled at him she looked at Hailey walking to her she hugged her tight as she sobbed "It's okay baby" she shushed her rocking side to side

Can I stay with Grandma and Grandpa she asked she nodded

I'm sorry James said she glared at him

You just hit your daughter because she came out bi that's fucked up James she said

I overreacted he said

You fucking think she asked

Sky he said

She's staying with mom and dad for a bit till you can pull your shit together and be a better father asshole she said walking out with Hailey Jake picked her slides up sending a small glare to him as he walked away along with the guys Hailey was everyone's favorite she was a mini Sky and Maggie was also a mini Sky everyone loved them

Hold on Sky said pushing the seat up letting Hailey get in the back then Maggie she buckled her up

You okay Jake asked Haley she nodded

Mom and dad said they'll get a flight and take you back Sky said she nodded


Sky Hailey said quietly as she walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes she was only in sweats and a sports bra

Yeah she asked yawning

Does dad still love me she asked Sky looked at her closing the fridge

Of course he just.. took it bad he has to except you for who you are babe she said Hailey smiled a bit

Can you go back with be she asked Sky went to speak but she cut her off "Please just for a little bit the only people I know is the Golbach's Webbers and that's all"

I'll have to talk to my manager and Elton we're suppose to go some where but I don't know when so I'll have to talk to him she said she nodded smiling

Call 'em what are you doin she said she let out a weak laugh still tired

I will when I'm fully awake sis she said going into Colby's cabinet and grabbing some fruit snacks

Isn't that Colby's cabinet she asked

SH she hushed her as she heard talking

Morning Colby said as he walked in with Sam

Morning Sky and Hailey said in sync

Good news Sky said coming into the backyard to see Hailey and Colby messing around

So can you go Hailey asked Colby furrowed his brows Sky nodded Hailey smiled jumping up hugging her

Only for a week though she said she nodded

Where you goin Colby asked

Kansas I'll bring Maggie to so she said he nodded

Go pack Hailey said pushing her to the door

Okay okay okay she said

Mommy where are we going Maggie asked as Sky got her dressed

Kansas she said Maggie smiled squealing

We get to see grandma and papa she asked Sky nodded she smiled bigger

They said there plane lands in about ten minutes Colby yelled

Shit alright Sky said picking Maggie up rushing out

Slow down Maggie giggled

COME ON HAILEY she yelled

I'm right here she yelled by her car

Right she said opening the door buckling her in

Be safe I love you Jake said kissing her

Love you to she said opening her door he leaned in the window kissing her again

Be safe he said again before backing up as she nearly sped out of the parking lot

SKY Hailey yelled holding on for dear life as she sped through traffic she slowed down noticing she was a couple minutes away from LAX she took it to the back for them to put it in the plane she grabbed Maggie's hand walking to the trunk grabbing the two luggage's they walked to the front

Grandma grandpa Hailey and Maggie said running to them

Girls Sky said grabbing there luggage walking to them

Hey they said hugging them Sky noticed the awkwardness between her parents confusing her

When's the next flight baby he mom asked she looked at her phone

five minutes we gotta go through security she said

Alright let's go her dad said giving her a small smile she nodded dragging the two suit cases

Gate 394 to Kansas Wichita you are able to board the intercom said the five stood up walking to there gate they boarded getting in there seats Sky looked at Maggie and Hailey that where sitting with her she was in the middle

How you feelin she asked

Scared Hailey said

It's okay grandma and grandpa will take care of you she said patting her knee she nodded leaning her head on her shoulder copying Maggie Sky took her phone out snapping a picture as she made a face she chuckled to herself putting her phone away falling asleep


Did you leave your car here cause my car only has room for four Sky asked her parents they nodded she smiled

See you at home he mom said she nodded walking away

I think she knows her dad said her mom looked at Sky

They'll have to know sooner or late I'm not gonna keep this from my kids she said looking at him he nodded

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