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The sun was starting to slide in through the curtains of the room two boys were currently sound asleep. But not for long.

                                            "Oy Ash, wake up..." Goh mumbled while trying to stretch and turn off the alarm at the same time. Having enough experience he knew that to wake up the raven-haired boy, he would have to put up some more effort. Goh looked down and sure enough, Ash had not moved an inch and he doubted that he had even heard what Goh had spoken. He sighed, thinking of what to do till his eyes fell upon a yellow ball of fur. Grinning wickedly his brain formulated a plan on waking Ash up and also to entertain himself in the morning.

                                             "Pikachu, wake up," said Goh as he nudged the electric mouse pokemon." pika..."Pikachu yawned as he woke up and looked at Goh. "I need your help in waking Ash up", Pikachu looked confused for a moment but then he quickly caught on what Goh was intending to do. He looked at Goh with an evil smirk that matched the same expression on Goh's face.

                                              Goh backed away lightly while Pikachu got up from the bed and stretched before preparing himself. All this time Ash had not even stirred. "Pika...CHHU!", Pikachu gave a cry as he sent a thunderbolt towards his trainer. "AHHH!' Ash screamed like a sissy girl as he fell down from his bed with a thud. When he looked up he saw Pikachu and Goh laughing their head off.

                                               "Hey what was that for?" Ash asked angrily while Goh and Pikachu continued to laugh their heads off. "Waking you up. What else?" Goh answered while he continued to snicker. "Oh really? Getting woken up by a thunderbolt is not my definition of waking up energetically" Ash huffed and turned away while Goh and Pikachu exchanged a look behind his back. 

The door opened revealing a girl with purple hair and green eyes wearing a school uniform, Chloe.

                                               "Are you two up yet...Dad wants y-What the hell? What happened?" she said as she looked at Ash who was covered in soot from head to toe and whose hair looked like an afro. "Well, some people thought it would be amazing to wake up someone by firing a thunderbolt at them" Ash stated while Pikachu and Goh whistled looked away. "Well you gotta admit it was funny," Goh said. "Oh, really what part of it was funny?" Ash questioned with raised eyebrows. "Oh the part where you screamed like a sissy girl," Goh said while Pikachu started snickering again. "Anyway Dad wants to see you two," Chloe said before Ash retort back, "And clean yourself before you come cause you look like you jumped into a volcano," she said before she closed the door again. Ash and Goh brushed and got into their usual daywear and Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder before they went to the lab thinking what the Professor wanted with them.

                                                       As they walked in they were greeted by Mr.Mime who started pouring them imaginary orange juice. They loaded their plates with pancakes with Ash's plate having more than Goh's as usual and proceeded to sit down. "Oh just a moment, come on out Raboot!"Goh said tossing a Pokeball and Raboot, the second evolution form of Scorbunny, stood before them. He greeted both Goh and Ash with a nod of his head before he went and got himself an apple. "Now let's dig in!" Ash said before he started gobbling up pancakes at top speed. Goh sweatdropped at his friend's behaviour before he started eating in a more civilised manner. 

                                                 "You know if you continue to eat like that you may choke yourself to death". Ash and Goh both turned around to see Chloe looking at Ash with a disapproving look on her face. "Relax don't worry I'm not going to cho-before Ash could finish his sentence he started coughing violently and had to be thumped on the back by Goh. After getting his breath back, Chloe said, "See, I told you and I was right." "yeah, yeah by the way, don't you have school today? I mean you are wearing your uniform but shouldn't you have been gone by now?" Ash asked and Goh too turned his head towards her to show that he was interested to know as well. Well, I did come prepared to go to school and all and I came to give Yamper his breakfast but Dad came and said that he wanted to speak with the three of us about something and told me to go and wake you two up. "Wow I wonder what it could be, "Ash said aloud and Goh too was thinking the same thing. 

Just then Pikachu came and sat down on the chair beside Ash holding a red bottle.

                                                    "Pikachu I told you that you have to stop eating ketchup it's unhealthy. Here give me that" as Ash reached out to grab the bottle Pikachu started to spark his cheeks which made Ash stop. 

                                               "Ok I'm a little confused, why is Pikachu eating ketchup alone and that too in the morning?"Chloe asked curiously. "Well when I started my journey along with Pikachu, he had a crazy addiction to ketchup. In the beginning, it was quite amusing but later it became quite frightening. Then one day, one of my friends named Brock put a piece of chilli inside the ketchup bottle and then well long story short he never touched Ketchup again until last week" Ash finished and for a moment the trio looked at Pikachu happily licking away ketchup oblivious to what was happening around him.

                                              "What happened last week?" Chloe asked and this time Goh answered, "We were in Jhoto and we were really hungry so we stopped by a restaurant to eat. Me and Ash had to use the washroom and Raboot had spotted something of interest just outside the restaurant. So Pikachu was sitting alone in our table when some idiot waiter came along and placed a bottle of ketchup on our table. When we came back Pikachu had chugged down the whole bottle and was gong around tables demanding that he got his ketchup. Since then Pikachu has ketchup for breakfast, lunch, snack time and dinner" Goh finished and Chloe asked, "But doesn't he get sick of it?"By the looks of it, no I think not" Ash said as Pikachu finished the bottle and contently on his back and Raboot snickered quietly on the looks of the trio's faces.

                                                 Just as they had finished their breakfast Professor Cerie came up to them with a smile on his face. "Good morning you three" "Good Morning Professor/Dad," the three said back. "So you might be wondering what I wanted to speak to the three of you?" He asked and the trio nodded their heads while Pikachu and Raboot too were listening to the professor with an interest. The professor looked into children's eyes. In Ash and Goh's eyes, he saw interest, curiosity, a sense of adventure while in his own daughter's he saw that she was calculating the probabilities of what he was about to say. Smiling slightly he cleared his throat and then spoke,

"How would you all like to stay at Kalos for a few months?"

(A/N - AND DONE! The first part of my fanfic is done. Please comment and vote as it would mean a lot to me. Pinky Promise that the next chapters will be better than this as this my first time writing a fanfic. I expect everyone's wholehearted support! See you soon!)

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