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Normal POV

Serena woke up to the sound of Fletchling's chirp. The fear of being pecked had made her body to activate and on instinct, she woke up to find... nothing. She sat there confused for a moment because she continued to hear Fletchling's cry but couldn't see anything. Great, she thought. The first day of school and already you act like a crazed psychopath. God, I hate Mondays.

"Serena, please make that damned clock of yours to stop. It's making my ears bleed." Shauna moaned from the bed next to her as she tried to block away the noise using her blanket. Serena, finally awake, understood something. She was in her dormitory in the Kalos Academy and the noise was coming from her alarm clock. She had made it's ringtone to sound like Fletchling cause she was 100% sure that its voice alone could make her wake from the deepest of deepest sleep.

"Come on Shauna, you gotta wake up. School starts today." "Then tell it to start next day" Shauna mumbled sleepily as she readjusted her blanket to have a lie in some more as Serena had turned off her alarm.

"No can do! Get up or else I will make Pancham fire a dark pulse at you" "Okay, fine! I'm up! I'm up!" Shauna said as she sat up, yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Good morning Sleepyhead" "Good morning crusher-of-sweet sleep," Shauna retorted back. Serena just rolled her eyes and went off to the bathroom. The other two students were to still arrive, meaning that Shauna and Serena were the only ones in their dorm.

Serena walked over to the bathroom releasing Pancham, Sylveon and Braixen along the way. "Good Morning guys! First day of school, who's excited." The three Pokemon gave cries of excitement. "All right then, let's do our best! DOn't give up till it's over!" Serena aid and her Pokemon cheered in approval.

Serena brushed and bathed. She then went and put on her brand new uniform. She stood for a moment admiring her reflection but then frowned. The fringe of her short honey blonde was peeking out and no matter what she did it didn't settle down. Suddenly she got an idea and went to her drawer. She took out a hairpin shaped like a flower and attached it to her hair. She went back to the mirror to look at her reflection again. She smiled in satisfaction. "Come on guys, time for breakfast."

She laid out the bowls filled with Pokemon food for her Pokemon. They cried with gratitude before digging in. "Thanks for waiting, here's your breakfast," Shauna said, now fully awake and dressed, said as she placed food for her Ivysaur and Flabebe. "Looks like they enjoy this. Come on, we gotta hurry and eat our food. The boys said that they will meet us at the main hall and then we can go off to the auditorium together."

"Sounds like a plan, are you excited for Diantha's speech. It looks like all of Kalos will see this event. My mom said she will be watching from our home." Serena said as she poured milk into her cereal. "Yeah my mom said so too," Shauna said as she poured herself some orange juice.

After eating their breakfast, they called back their Pokemon, collected their schoolbags which were only filled with a water bottle and some snacks as they didn't have any classes on the first day. "Well then...Let's go!" Shauna cheered as they set off to the Academy.



I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I stirred groggily remembering where I was. Today was the day when Diantha would address the region from the academy. Right, I have to get ready, I thought as she sat up on her bed. Yamper sensed me waking up and got up himself. It barked in greeting before licking me in my face. "Stop it Yamper it tickles."

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