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Serena's POV                

"Are you by any chance talking about Ash from Pallet Town in the Kanto region?"

                                                                I didn't dare believe it. Meeting someone who you met years ago this way is not cliche at all. I imagined meeting in the middle of a crowd: he bumps into me and I bump into him, then we look at each other and then shout 'It's you!'. That's what I had in mind, not this.

But can you hear me complaining? Oh GOODNESS no!

                                                              "Yeah, we're talking about 'Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town'" May said while making quotes with her hands. "Don't tell me that you know him too Serena?" Dawn said while stepping forward to have a better look at Chloe. "We've all travelled with Ash, I travelled with him during our time in Sinnoh and May travelled with him through the Hoenn region." Dawn explained without taking her eyes off Chloe. 

                                                              "Now he is currently working as a research fellow in my Dad's lab." Chloe finished. I just stood their stunned, not daring to believe them. While  I had just travelled through Kalos he had already travelled across two regions! But it was no surprise to me. I had already known that Ash was amazing since we were kids.

                                                               "So Serena, how did you meet Ash?" Chloe asked curiously while May and Dawn came closer to listen. "We met when we were 7- year olds, he and I attended Professor Oak's summer camp. I got lost in a forest and injured my knee. Just as I started to go on a full- scale panic, he came out from behind a bush. He saw me, asked me what happened, tended to my knee, told me 'don't give up till it's over!' and escorted me back to camp" I finish to see the trio with astounded faces. Not that I blame them, even mom took some time to believe it.

                                                                 "So you mean to say that Ash has known you longer than Pikachu?" Dawn said with a shocked face. "I guess so?" Serena replied doubtfully. "Well, that makes us all acquaintances of Ash, huh? Anyway, I can't wait to see him" Dawn said.

                                                                   "Wait a minute, Ash is here? HEH?" I shout. "Yep, he was called in to give experience about pokemon journeys with Goh who is a friend of mine. When she said that last part though there was something off in her voice. Was Goh her crush?

                                                                   "Come on you guys! We've gotta hurry for the inaugural ceremony. Don't wanna miss Diantha, do we?" May said looking at her phone. "You're right we should get a move on," Dawn said grabbing me and Chloe by the hand and pulling us away from the bathroom with May bringing up the rear. "Oh and by the way Serena, me and May will be taking the Pokemon contest classes."

Can this day be any more surprising? 


                                                                   I had no idea that Chloe could make friends this quickly. I had been waiting for her in front of the stadium when she showed up with three other girls. Turns out that they all were friends of Ash's. That guy, why couldn't he say a thing about the fact that his friends were already here? 

                                                                    Chloe was looking cute in the hairstyle that Serena had braided for her. I even complimented her, which she accepted with a red face. I was blushing too when I said that. Hey, it isn't every day that I can talk to girls like this. Usually, I would shut up when I start to embarrass myself.

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