The Crazy Ex.

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Aliya was getting dressed,she was in Dexter's hotel room looking at him and he said,"I wish you didn't have to go."
"I have work to finish." Aliya said pulling up her pants buttoning them then put on her shoes. "It was nice seeing you." she took her bag leaving.
Aliya went to her hotel to her room and showered getting dressed relaxing in bed watching TV.
      In the night,Aliya was looking out her window thinking about Manuel. She went to bed taking the phone calling and Josie answered. Aliya hung up and lay down sighing in frustration, she looked at the ceiling thinking, That bitch is beginning to get on my last nerve. She sat taking a bottle of whiskey out her bag drinking herself into a stupor.
     In the morning,Aliya woke up with a headache moaning as she got out of bed going to the bathroom to shower throwing up then went to get dressed taking two painkillers going to breakfast feeling like she'd been hit by a truck dealing with a pounding headache all day.

Manuel was in the kitchen making breakfast while Julian was watching TV with the twins and Josie was showering after her workout then got dressed going downstairs to help him,they had breakfast and Josie did dishes while Manuel got the twins ready for their doctor appointment.
    Aliya saw Manuel with the twins and followed him to the doctor,she was in her car watching him take the twins inside and sat in her car not going anywhere. She saw him leave and followed him to a restaurant then home.
   She looked at him going inside and got out the car going to the house hiding in the shrubs watching him with the twins and Josie,she felt a sting of jealousy seeing them kiss playing with the twins and stayed spying on them until nightfall taking pictures.

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