Fighting To Be The Wife.

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Josie fought gasping for breath as Aliya choked her,she reached for a rock hitting her in the head and Aliya groaned getting off of her. She wiped away the blood and Josie said,"You'll never be Manuel's wife. My kids will never accept you."
"We'll see about that,bitch!" Aliya ran to her and they fought.
    Manuel was looking at the time,he wondered what happened to Josie and Aliya and Julian said,"I'll go find them."
"Be careful." Manuel said staying with the twins.
"I will." Julian said going to find them.
Josie was screaming as Aliya kept slamming her head into a boulder and Aliya said,"Where's your husband now, Josie? Who's here to protect you?" she kept slamming her head and Josie screamed,"Aliya!" as her head hit the boulder hard.

Josie screamed and Aliya kept slamming her head until Josie broke her grasp running to find her family, Aliya ran after her determined to kill her. Josie ran hiding from Aliya,she was bleeding heavily and Aliya yelled,"Come out,Josie! Let's get this over with and move on." looking around. "Come out,bitch! Come out!"
     Josie hid hearing footsteps and hid not making a sound,Aliya was looking for her and ran into Julian who said,"Aliya,we've been waiting for you and Mom."
"We got a little lost."
"Where's Mom?"
"I don't know. I'm looking for her, she must've gone off the trail." Aliya said. "When I find her,we'll meet up with you,okay?"
"Okay. Dad's getting worried about her."
"I'll find her."
     Julian went back to Manuel and Aliya thought, I'll find you,Josie. And make sure that no one ever will again. She looked for her and Josie stepped on a twig. Aliya went to her and said,"Let's finish this!" grabbing her dragging her through the dirt by her hair and Josie screamed fighting.

They fought and Josie grabbed a branch swinging it at Aliya,she kept swinging it and Aliya grabbed it fighting her for it determined to kill her. She grabbed it out of Josie's hands swinging it at her knocking her to the ground beating her with it yelling, "They're my family! Mine! Manuel is mine! They're mine!" beating her and Josie lay unconscious.
    Aliya knelt checking her pulse,it was weak but still a pulse. She pulled her up taking her deep into the woods to a steep cliff and said,"Don't worry,Josie. I'm going to take good care of them." she pushed her over watching her roll down the incline into a river and smiled.
"They're mine." she said smiling.
    She went to Manuel and the kids, Manuel went to her asking what happened and Aliya said,"Josie had an accident."
"What accident?" Manuel asked in worry.
"We were walking and Josie tripped falling over a cliff,I grabbed her hand trying to pull her up but I lost my grip and..."
"And what,Aliya?! What happened,?!"
"She fell. Into a river."
Aliya told him and he ran quickly leaving the kids with her.

Manuel got to the cliff yelling,"Josie?! Josie, where are you?! Josie?!" looking around and Aliya came saying,"I'm sorry,Manuel."
"This can't be happening." Manuel said. "My kids need their Mom." he paced nervously.
Aliya tried to comfort him and Manuel cried, Julian and the twins came asking were their Mom was and Manuel said,"We need to go home now." going to them crying and Aliya followed them suppressing a smile.

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