Aliya Returns.

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Josie and Manuel were in the bedroom, the kids were out with Maria so they had the house to themselves. They were tidying up and Manuel looked at Josie who was struggling to fix the curtains going to give her a hand.
    She thanked him and they went to the kitchen for a drink relaxing in the living room watching TV,the time together was nice and Josie cuddled up in Manuel's arms smiling. Julian and the twins came back and Josie told them to get cleaned up for dinner.
     Josie was brushing out her hair,she put the brush down looking at her reflection and Manuel was looking at her saying,"You look distracted."
"I'm just tired." Josie said going to bed turning the light off and Manuel got in beside her holding her close.

Josie was making breakfast while Manuel was getting ready for work,she was having coffee while the kids ate. Manuel had breakfast and left kissing her goodbye,Josie went to the grocery then home unpacking the groceries then relaxed watching a movie.
   In the evening,Josie and Manuel were having sex. Josie was on the dresser moaning as Manuel held her close fucking her hard,she held him moaning and panting wanting more. She gripped his hair kissing him and he put his tongue in her mouth kissing her deeply. They went at it until he cummed inside her panting and held each other close.
      Josie was having a shower and Manuel was in bed doing work,he got a message from Aliya saying she was back,he deleted it having had enough of her nonsense and Josie came in her robe asking what happened.
"It's nothing." Manuel said holding her close kissing her neck. Josie smiled.

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