Aliya's Trap.

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It was a quiet Friday night,Aliya was in the bar having a drink and chatting with the bartender was over fried mozzarella sticks then called it a night going to her room taking a shower and going to bed.
    She was watching TV,it was 3:27am and she couldn't sleep feeling restless. She took her phone and found Manuel's number texting him to meet her tomorrow if he wasn't busy then continued watching TV until she fell asleep.
    It was 9:27am,Aliya was woken up by her phone ringing. She took it seeing it was Manuel and said,"Hey. Good morning."
"I got your text."
"Okay. I figured maybe we could meet up. Just us."
Manuel thought,he knew she had caused some trouble but she was still somewhat of a friend.
"Sure. About 8pm?"
"Great. See you then." Aliya said smiling.

Manuel went to meet Aliya for drinks, he assured Josie that nothing would happen,he really hoped it didn't knowing Aliya was very conniving at times. He met her at the bar and she hugged him smiling.
   They talked over drinks and Aliya was glad that he was by himself and not with Josie,she was waiting for him to get back from the restroom slipping a pill in his drink and watched him drink it smiling.
   They left the bar,Manuel was a little disoriented and Aliya took him to her room to relax. They went inside and Aliya took him to her bedroom,she said,"You're in no condition to drive."
"Let me at least text Josie." Manuel said drunk.
"She'll understand." Aliya said.

She gave him a glass of water and he sipped, she took off his shoes and said,"You need to rest." taking off his shirt and he said,"What're you doing?" as she kissed him.
"I miss you,Manuel." Aliya said. "I want us to be together again."
"Aliya,I'm married." he said.
"Josie can't give you what I can." she whispered. "Remember how good it used to feel?" she knelt unzipping his pants and sucked his cock.
    Manuel moaned and Aliya kept sucking and teasing,she rubbed it getting him turned on and stood taking off her clothes kissing him and Manuel gave in having sex with her.

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